FameLab 2023, Applications are open for the International Science Communication Competition

FameLab 2023, Applications are open for the International Science Communication Competition


FameLab 2023, Applications are open for the International Science Communication Competition
Verona Greco, among the winners of FameLab 2019

Applications are open for the 2023 edition of FameLab, the international competition for young scientific researchers with communicative talent. FameLab Italy (www.famelab-italy.it) in coordination with Psiquadro in association with the Cheltenham Science Festival and set up in 2023 in partnership with over 100 science and cultural partners including the National Research Council.

FameLab is a public speaking competition dedicated to young researchers and doctoral students who, in just 3 minutes, must present scientific content in a popular language (in Italian or English) and win the votes of a jury of experts from the world of science and communication. The competition is a special and original event to publicize one’s research activity, an international showcase and meeting point for young researchers, and an opportunity to train in some of the most effective public communication techniques.

The 2023 edition of FameLab sees two great innovations: for the first time, the competition will be open not only to competitors from the scientific, medical, and engineering fields but also to competitors from the humanities who embrace scientific methods, theories, and data in their research and talk about it in their talks. Those interested in anthropology, archeology, economics, philosophy, geography, law, linguistics, literature, art history, psychology, political science, sociology and history are accepted. Furthermore, the national champion will have access to the international final and a prize of €1,500.

A variety of local selections are provided at 12 Italian cities, four of which have some CNR structures among their partners: Ancona (CNR – IRBIM), Camerino (CNR – ICCOM, CNR – INO, CNR – ISPC), Catania (CNR – IMM) and Genoa (CNR – Communication Unit). Selections will be made Between March 31st and May 19th With the following schedule:

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Ancona – May 18th

breccia – May 9

Changing Room – May 17th

Catania Preselection May 8 (Final Selection May 11)

Cosenza – May 16th

Genoa – April 13th

LECCE – April 19th

Palermo – May 6th

Perugia – May 16th

Pisa – May 19

Turin – May 6th

Trieste – March 31st

Eligibility requirements can be found here links. All registered participants will receive a short free online course during which the rules of FameLab Italia will be explained and some suggestions for presentations will be given. All short term dates can be found on the official website on the individual selections pages.

The top two winners from each selection will receive an international master class in science communication to be held in Perugia from 9-11 June 2023, and the national final scheduled for 30 September in Perugia. The Italian winner will compete to become the 2023 World Champion in the International Final scheduled for November 24, 2023.

to get information:
Luca Paletti
CNR – communication unit
Corso Peroni, 24-16152 Genoa
Francis Messina
Cnr Communications Unit Chief
Corso Peroni, 24-16152 Genoa
Tel: 0106598745 Email: francesca.messina@cnr.it

See also:

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