Faith and reason: Foligno, Saturday A “dialogue between thinkers” took place with Mgr. Staglianò and the mathematician Odifreddi

Faith and reason: Foligno, Saturday A “dialogue between thinkers” took place with Mgr.  Staglianò and the mathematician Odifreddi

On Saturday, April 22, at 18.30, in the Antonelli Hall of the Hall of San Domenico in Foligno, Rector of the Pontifical Academy of Theology, Msgr. Antonio Stagliano, will intervene in a dialogue with the mathematician Bergorgio Odefreddi, moderated by Msgr. Domenico Sorrentino, Bishop of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino and Foligno.
“Dialogue between thinkers” is the title of the event, which will be held as part of the 12th Festival of Science and Philosophy this year, dedicated to the theme “Ulysses of the 21st Century. Science as a Tool to Face Global Crises.”
Often, when discussing faith and reason, it is assumed that faith is automatically on the side of the religious and reason is automatically on the side of the world. “In this dialogue between Antonio Stagliano and Piergiorgio Odifridi, it will not be a bishop and a mathematician facing each other – explain the organizers – but just two thinking people. Their arguments, not their roles, will determine which faith and reason are present. Above all, how and how religious people understand reason and live, and scholars of faith.
More than 500 seats have been reserved in the auditorium, but it will still be possible to follow the initiative in the live broadcast through this link.

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