Exciting announcement from Chinese astronomers

Exciting announcement from Chinese astronomers

Chinese astronomers from Beijing Normal University announced that they had intercepted radio signals potentially produced by alien technology.

fast radio telescope

fast radio telescope

Chinese astronomers announced that they were able to intercept the mysteries radio signals which may have been produced by extraterrestrial civilization technologically advanced. In other words, they may have discovered the existence of Aliens. The exciting announcement was made by A Report It was published in Science and Technology Daily, and then mysteriously removed, after the news started going viral on the Chinese social network Weibo and in the front pages. Of course, there is no certainty that these radio signals were actually produced by intelligent extraterrestrials, in fact, the probability that this question remains is extremely high. confusion Associated with human devices (as has also happened in the past), however, the properties of these radio waves and the instrument used to intercept them make the discovery very exciting and must be explored.

To announce the discovery of radio signals likely produced by aliens, a research team from Chinese extraterrestrial civilization research group in the Department of Astronomy at Beijing Normal University. It was discovered by astronomers, coordinated by Professor Zhang Tongjie, by analyzing data from “Chinese eye of the sky“, giant radio telescope It has a diameter of 500 meters and is located in a mountainous area in south China’s Guizhou Province. completed in 2016, It is the largest and most sensitive radio telescope in the worldwho passed lament Arecibo . Radio Telescopedestroyed by an earthquake in 2020 and known to the general public for sending a famous message to the mass of Hercules, with the aim of “presenting”humanity for possible extraterrestrial civilizations. It is no coincidence that a similar project is planned ( Beacon in the Galaxy or BITG) Using the Chinese radio telescopealso known as fastan acronym for Five Hundred Meter Spherical Aperture Telescope.

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But what is so special about the radio signals intercepted by Chinese astronomers? First of all, three have been identified, two in 2019 (analysed in 2020) and one this year, perhaps the most interesting, given that it comes from a region deep sky there is outer planets (Exoplanets). As defined by Professor Tongji Science and Technology Dailyit’s about to Electromagnetic signals narrow band, so “Potential technological implications and extraterrestrial civilizations from extraterrestrials”. The characteristic of sibyline lies strictly in the band, as narrow band signals are rarely produced by natural phenomenon. So it is very likely that the source artificial Given that they come from deep space, it cannot be excluded that they may have been specifically created by intelligent extraterrestrials. after every thing, According to a recent study from Newcastle Universityonly in our galaxy ( Milky Way) will count at least 36 intelligent alien civilizations.

The problem with these signals, however, lies in the fact that they may not actually come from deep space; It can actually be simple confusion by human devices. Suffice it to say that similar signals, taken in 2011 and 2014, were also considered from strange originas Sciencealert remembers that they came from microwave ovens that researchers used to cook meals. Therefore, before making hasty conclusions, Chinese scientists will have to clean the signals from any possible source of disturbance and only at the end of a long work will it be possible to determine with certainty the origin and possible source. Since FAST is three times more sensitive in narrow ranges than the Arecibo Radio Telescope, the chances of picking up potentially alien signals, but also the risk of interception by human sources, are greatly increased. It is currently unclear why the Chinese scientists’ report was withdrawn.

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