European trade unions: wages down 9% in sectors with the highest staff shortages

European trade unions: wages down 9% in sectors with the highest staff shortages

Milan – To address the labor shortage afflicting some sectors of Europe’s manufacturing, the solution is quite simple: increase wages. This is highlighted by research published today by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).

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An analysis of vacancy rates and wages in 22 European countries shows that regions with the greatest labor shortages pay an average of 9% less than sectors in which it is easier to hire.

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In 13 of the 22 EU member states for which data is available, the sectors that felt a labor shortage between 2019 and 2022 also offer the lowest wages. The largest wage gaps between sectors with the largest and smallest increases in labor shortages are found in Italy (€4.17 per hour), Luxembourg (€4.16), Germany (€3.26), the Netherlands (€2.49) and Greece (€1.51).

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“A decent wage is good for workers, for employers, and for Europe. Low wages are fueling the cost-of-living crisis, while labor shortages are hurting economic performance and public services in Europe. It is clear from this data that low wages are one of the main factors driving employment challenges in Europe,” he commented. Secretary General of the Union Esther Lynch. “Europe should be an ideal place to work. As early as the 1980s, Delors promised European workers the right to learn for life. It is time to fulfill this promise that is fundamental to a social Europe. This means investing in quality jobs, In paid leave to train workers, in a just transition, in social conditions that ensure that businesses invest in a market economy.”

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