European model of society, Brody and Turk in Gorizia

European model of society, Brody and Turk in Gorizia

Correct coffee science. Curiosity is setting you free with the second meeting of its “live” schedule, entitled European model of society – Evropski družbe model. The appointment is free at the Aula Magna of the University of Trieste – Polo di Gorizia on Friday January 13th from 6-8pm (Via Alviano 18, Gorizia).

The review, conceived by the University of Trieste and funded by the region, includes a cycle of five meetings with the public in several municipalities (full calendar).

Gorizia and Nova Gorica will be champions in the meeting scheduled for January 13, 2023, which will be organized in Aula Magna on the campus of the University of Gorizia. The topic of the meeting will be about the advantages and disadvantages of the European society model, inclusive towards diversity and in many respects in opposition to other models that tend towards homogeneity. The Organizing Committee of “GO! 2025” Nova Gorica – Gorizia European Capital of Culture 2025 participates in the organization, promotion and management of the event, and has given the Municipality of Gorizia sponsorship of the initiative.

The meeting anticipates a dialogue between Roman BrodyPolitician and economist, twice Prime Minister and President of the European Commission from 1999 to 2004, and Daniel to leavePresident of the Republic of Slovenia from 2007 to 2012. The moderator will be journalist Iva Cioc.

The meeting will be enriched with a theatrical and musical component, curated by Bonawentura / Teatro Miela from Trieste, which aims to promote the inclusive and bilingual aspect of the meeting. There will be musical interludes of the transnational accordion quartet “4 Bellows 4 Tales” (by Polona Tominec, Stefano Bembi, Zoran Lupinc and Maurizio Marchesich), born in 2020 in full pandemic, unique because the performers play different accordions: button, Keyboard, synthesizer, bandoneon, surrounded by interventions by actress Lara Kumar.

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A back-to-back Italian-Slovenian interpretation service is provided to encourage participation and interaction with the public across borders.

Romano Prodi graduated in Law with a major at the London School of Economics. From 1971 to 1999 he was Professor Emeritus of Economics and Industrial Policy at the University of Bologna. University teaching combined extensive research activity on economic development issues such as small and medium enterprises and industrial zones, the study of the relationship between the state and the market, privatization policies, the central role played by school systems in promoting economic development and social cohesion, and the process of European integration. He served as Minister of Industry, was President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic for two terms, and was President of the European Commission from 1999 to 2004, accompanying the expansion of the European Union to 25 countries and the introduction of the euro. He has also received 39 Academy Honorary Awards.

Danilo Türk is a Slovenian diplomat, professor of international law, human rights expert, and political figure who served as President of Slovenia from 2007 to 2012. From 1999 to 2000 he was the first Slovenian ambassador to the United Nations, and was the UN’s Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs From 2000 to 2005. He is Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana and heads several NGOs and foundations dedicated to the economic and social development of developing countries. During his academic career, he published more than 100 articles in various legal journals and three books. In 2019 he was elected president of the Club of Madrid. In 2022 he was appointed by the UN Secretary-General to the High Level Advisory Panel on Multilateralism.

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Eva Ciuk is a professional journalist and serves on the editorial staff of Rai Fvg. I majored in International Information and Countries of the South at the Complutense University of Madrid. In recent years, her journalistic work has led her to travel and get to know the countries of Eastern Europe and the Balkans in depth. He signed on to direct several documentaries, including On Kosovo and El Salvador.

Caffèrect Science is a science dissemination project devised by the University of Trieste and funded by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Now in its third edition, it is an extension of the Scientific and Literary Cafés that the University of Trieste has been organizing for years in Historic Cafés: informal conversations between scholars and experts, where highly topical topics are addressed through an interdisciplinary and participatory approach.

The scientific director of the initiative is University of Trieste Professor Matteo Biasotto (Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences) in collaboration with Angelo Bassi (Department of Physics), an international reference scientist in the field of foundations of quantum mechanics.

Caffè right Science benefits from the partnership of the Municipality of Pordenone, the Municipality of Sassel, the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Immaginario Scientifico, Bonawentura / Teatro Miela and the Clément Fillietroz-ONLUS Foundation.

It is a project of the Trieste City of Knowledge, the network that unifies research facts in Trieste and promotes dialogue between science and citizenship.

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