Enel and Intesa acquire Mooney, and a European fintech company is born

Enel and Intesa acquire Mooney, and a European fintech company is born

In this way, a common European financial technology will be created, with an already strong customer base.

Starace: Good Growth Opportunity

These operations are aligned with the Enel Group’s strategic plan 2022-24 and are part of the stewardship model. “This acquisition – said Enel CEO, Francesco Starace – represents a good growth opportunity for us in the financial technology sector that aligns well with the new industrial vision of the Enel Group, considering that digital payments are increasingly used for billing services that go beyond the supply of services Electricity, like electric mobility. Through digital payments, we can meet customer needs for flexibility and easy-to-use tools, in line with our customer-centric approach. We are excited to collaborate with our new partner, Intesa Sanpaolo, with the aim of offering a broader range of services and continuing to meet needs our customers more effectively.”

Messina: Essential for Advanced Digital Strategy

“Muni – Intesa CEO, Carlo Messina – commented as a key element in the development of our advanced digital strategy, which will be one of the pillars of our next business plan, targeting our retail customers who highly value proximity and flexibility.. As a group, we will capitalize on innovative capabilities and growth potential. European FinTech, while reducing costs related to a customized service for customers who need less to visit our branches. Thanks to the partnership with Enel, an internationally recognized leader, Mooney will also allow us to acquire new customers and expand the digital service model internationally.”

Develop digital proximity and payment services

The operation – the two companies explain – has significant industrial value thanks to the creation of a partnership between Intesa Sanpaolo and Enel, which will accelerate Mooney’s growth and development path, in proximity and digital payment services, as well as in connected services. and the energy sector. Mooney, which was strengthened following the completion of this transaction, will continue to play an important role for the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, ensuring that the Bank’s customers have easy, fast and secure access to a wide range of payment transactions.

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