Elizabeth, the anti-lagna queen and us

Elizabeth, the anti-lagna queen and us

This is a useless article. What about Elizabeth Windsor who accidentally became queen because the incumbent was at the mercy of his own erection and absolute favor on the throne? What about Elizabeth who took upon herself a task and not her task and carried it out for so long and for so many centuries that when her reign began, the English most famous of the press was the current Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, and by the time it ran out the local papers were busy covering Meghan Markle. What about the ninety-six-year-old who got out of bed the day before her death and went to take over as the new Prime Minister?

How about the one who appointed fifteen prime ministers, who has seen every scandal pass and conquered any audience, except for those who stubbornly refuse to read crocodiles because, rightly, they are serious people, and that was before a head of state was a cartoon Looking for a chick in pastel colors ?

Those irreparably aloof do not convince them, and the others from Elizabeth II – a year-old widow, always the perfect character for funny stories about the desperation of heirs who could not reach the throne occupied by Khalid – already know everything.

No matter how dull, everyone loved Elisabetta. At twenty because they saw her, in the crown, as though they knew no one could be: at twenty with a sense of duty. In their thirties because they are convinced that the blonde between her and Diana won: he gave her a state funeral, if that wasn’t a surrender. At 40 because she was the last bastion of realpolitik who doesn’t care about hearts and opinion polls and can understand that no, Meghan Markle doesn’t deserve to deviate from Diana’s protocol. In their fifties, the last one has some sense of history, because it was the last institution, and now everything is going to hell. In the 60’s because Camilla never persuaded them, and now we really find her the King’s wife? To the seventies for pastel clothes. Eighty because they were there, when the queens were a serious matter, before the systemic disgrace of the monarchy which it has given us in recent decades through the cooperation of excited princesses and satisfied magazines. In the 90s because you can’t help but rejoice that a girl your age is staying: if you greet the PM, you too can not miss the burako match.

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Is property a reactionary institution? Of course, yes, but it’s also a huge source of profits: the changing of the guard outside Buckingham Palace attracts more tourists than the Colosseum, where souvenirs bearing the faces of the characters of the royal family sell as much as those at Disneyland. The Americans, wanting to free themselves from the kingdom, had to invent Mickey Mouse, to be equally commercially attractive. Even setting aside the spirit of commerce, only fools believe that history is made by referendums, not by cutting ribbons.

The Queen was a waste of a racist and sexist institution and you know what else there is? This is indeed a more interesting topic. On the show he just brought to London, Chris Rock asked Meghan Markle how she would have been surprised by the racism of the people who practically invented colonialism. He did so by making a strange joke, to those who followed Ms Markle’s agonies: “But don’t you have that?”

Those who followed the lady’s television performance at the time may remember that one of the most sci-fi points of her interview with Oprah Winfrey was the one in which she said she knew nothing about the royal family because she never gawked at Harry (only one of the people who never went live) to have dinner with them). Then she was shocked to discover that – despite being the grandmother, incibacus – Harry had to bow before the Queen.

It was Elizabeth Windsor whose motto was “Never Complain, Never Explain, Never Apologize” and had time to see a world where these are the only three activities that humanity considers indispensable. But also: Elizabeth Windsor has gone through such absolute changes in the world that the twenty-year-old girl, of whom Winston Churchill was prime minister, had time to become ninety years old and the actress does not understand why she should bow. .

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As for sexism, in the House of Windsor, Salic’s law does not apply (obviously: otherwise Elizabeth would not have become queen and today we will talk about something else). But, above all, in the dark fifties, when the women of that country who now pretend to explain feminism (USA) without a husband could not even open a bank account, in those years there were just over twenty-year-old lover of the English language A year old confident enough to tell her husband that no, sorry, the children will not be called Mountbatten, for the head of the table is where I sit, for the establishment comes before sex, for it does not matter who wears the pants but who wears the glitter of the crown.

It wasn’t easy. It is not so now: I know women born half a century after Elizabeth who live in fear of the discontent of her husband who no longer attracts if she contradicts him, and fortunately none of them inherited the throne, for who knows what a sinister end to the kingdom.

It wasn’t easy, because it’s not automatic, as you are a working woman, to free yourself from the dynamics of sex if you’re the type of girl you like who doesn’t care about giving her man a bad thing. Thatcher, who was not quite the violet, finished ruling the country and fled to cook. It is not easy when you desire clouds of mind.

(Also in the rock show, the master of ceremonies, Jeff Ross, was—now he would have to change him—a startling soliloquy about Elizabeth represented her immortality by a queen, dog-style, who says to her dying husband: Philip, fuck me as if it were in 1939 And we had just colonized Barbados. I like to think someone told her, to the old woman, and she laughed secretly.)

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It wasn’t easy, but it was essential, because the female model who does what she wants but without giving up pastel colors, the model who seems to have come out of those Che Guevara posters about being tough without losing tenderness, the model who hides feminism under seven layers of femininity , this model over there – very rare then and now – is the model that most influences women most in need of liberation: to influence truly liberating women, we are all good.

I would therefore suggest forming two well-ordered lines of mourning: here are those who know that for the sake of women’s self-determination, Elizabeth of England did what Raffaella Cara did and more than Emma Bonino; Beyond those who believe in the power of complaint, explanation and apology.

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