Elga Inardo and the photo with the bags: “Broken bones and a broken heart.” Marriage in crisis?

Elga Inardo and the photo with the bags: “Broken bones and a broken heart.”  Marriage in crisis?

Crisis between Elga Inardo and Diego Dadi?

It seems that the couple, who formed years ago on the “Men and Women” program (they began dating outside the scope of their studies), is facing a difficult period. She posted stories on Instagram that raised strong doubts among her followers.

Last night the two attended a wedding, this morning Elga (47 years old, originally from Cuarto Sant’Elena) “dropped” the first bomb: a short video in which she says that she returned home “a little upset but strong” with Julio and Tui (his two dogs): « “My only family.” The tone verges on the tearful and even the eyes betray a veil of sadness. A short time later a photo appears showing two bags: “I leave here with broken bones and a broken heart,” reads the caption. And another story: “I promise to myself, to my family who loves me beyond measure, and to all of you that I will never give up. In you and in my strength, I will find the courage not to give in to despair and depression even for once. second. “Because when you experience pain, you can choose to let go (comfort) or fight back (strength).”

Story on Instagram

Is it possible that everything changed overnight?

No comment from Dadi.

Her twin sister, Serena Enardo, also published some stories referring to Elga, her strength and independence, calling on everyone not to delve into the details of this delicate moment.

Elga and Diego got married in 2017. She recently faced some health problems.

(Union Online/SS)

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