EE Democrats vote to temporarily suspend new planning permits

EE Democrats vote to temporarily suspend new planning permits

Escaldes-Engordany The second session was held on Tuesday morning Joint Council The year is already with the new community team selected for this term. The extra point It has appeared on the new agenda Interim agreement decree to amend POUP'S URBAN RULES Of the parish, who creates one Temporary suspension of granting new planning licences.

The reason is to stop the entry of licenses during Pregnancy studies That must determine the ability of the parish to grow, and they are the ones who will determine that Modification of the Escaldes-Engordany Urban Plan (POUP), Who belongs to this 2024. Council members Democrats + Independents he Upvote the commentBearing in mind it's a point we've taken to Electoral programme Which we defended during the election campaign,” she said Counselor Ana Garcia.

In any case, Garcia explained that the law stipulates that this temporary suspension can be for a maximum period of one year, which is why he requested the majority.”Which does not extend over time“In the new POUP setting because it is after the maximum deadline”If you're reviewing the plan and the licenses come at the same time, it's inconsistentFor this reason, it has been suggested that POUP could be worked on in parallel with pregnancy studies

Which should be completed in the spring. “Important for and for citizens friends He reiterated that the calendar would not be extended.

In the House of Commons on Tuesday, the Permanent municipal operating committeesAnd also Appointment of representatives on the Boards of Directors of CAPESA and SEMTEE.

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