Drivers are stuck for more than 5 hours on AP-7 due to a sudden hail storm

The afternoon is complicated on the roads due to hail and snow affecting several counties.

Al Valles, The stone was forced to cut AP-7first in the north direction At the height of Saint Celoni Then in the southern direction on the height of Llinars. Mossos d'Esquadra cut off traffic in both directions between Llinars and Sant Celoni for safety reasons because hail covered the entire road.

Hail that fell on AP-7, near Vallgorguina

The AP-7 was cut off for about six hoursso that the snow plow removes the ice from the road.

At 9 p.m., all lanes on southbound AP-7 were reopened, and an hour later northbound. But the retention was maintained for a longer period.

Drivers who were unable to take the last exit passed before the road was cut off at Sant Celoni More than five hours trapped inside their cars.

Some drivers caught in hail closures complained about the time it took to clear the road.

This is what an AP-7 looked like at Tordera at the peak of the maximum hail storm:

A snowplow removes stone from the road in an effort to reopen AP-7 as soon as possible (CCMA)

As an alternative route to avoid AP-7, The Catalan Traffic Service recommends turning onto C-32.

Due to the AP-7 being cut, traffic on alternate routes such as the C-35 was increased.

On this road, C-35, hail also accumulated and caused some traffic problems. The road is closed in both directions between Espinelves and Sant Julià de Vilatorta.

Hail storm in San Celone (Juan Fernandez)

Severe hail storm The C-25 was also forced to stop. The transverse axis, in section of 34 kilometers, between Folgerol and Santa Coloma de VarnersIn Osuna and Silva. Once the cleaning work was completed, the road was reopened after nine in the evening.

See also  The afternoon operation complicated the exit on the roads with queues in the southern region of AP-7

In these photos you can see the hailstones that fell in Caldes de Malavilla, in La Selva:

In other areas, such as Bergueda, Empordada and Girones, it left white landscapes.

The Catalan Traffic Service warns that snowfall in the Hostol plains area is to blame Affects C-153 From San Feliu de Balleroles.

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