Don’t make this mistake, it’s easy to make mistakes but the penalties are high

Don’t make this mistake, it’s easy to make mistakes but the penalties are high

The 2023 tax return period has arrived: Here are the dates to mark on your calendar to meet the deadlines.

On March 16, withholding agents delivered the Single Certificate (CU) 2023.

information today

With this, employees, freelancers and retirees will present the resulting income in 2022. Instead, it will be necessary to wait another month to get to the bottom line of accumulating 2023 tax return For both the Model 730 and the Personal Income model. So here are the files Dates to mark in the calendar and notes Don’t forget any deadline.

Income tax return 2023: Here are the days to mark so you don’t make mistakes

The first date to be circled red in a calendar or diary is definitely a date April 30, 2023is the day you will file the revenue agency Citizens have access to 730 pre-assembled forms. These are forms in which income and expenses are entered automatically by the tax authorities. What should taxpayers do? very little, in order to verify that all expenses incurred have been entered or to ensure that no changes need to be made.

Also read “Income Tax Return Regular Form 730 Important News: Exemption and Income Limits”

Deadlines in May and September

However, this can only be done starting from May 31st, The day when the precompiled model can be modified. Therefore, if some expenses are not entered or the data is wrong, the taxpayer will be able to proceed with corrections. Otherwise, “corrected” forms may be submitted.

until the September 30th It will be marked on the calendar or on the agenda because it is the deadline for submitting your tax return. However, since it falls on Saturday, the submission of Form 73/2023 is extended until Oct. 2. This deadline is important but in case the taxpayer falls behind, they can address it by submitting a personal income form that expires at a later date.

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Dates October and November

In October, there is also another important date: Oct 25th. In fact, by this date, in case of omissions or omissions, the taxpayer can file a 730 supplement. To do this, however, he must go to a caregiver, a coffee shop, or a qualified professional.

To finish, let’s also red November 30, The day the Personal Income Form must be filed as a corrective action to Form 730/2023 and as an addition to Form 730. Further, it marks the end of the taxpayer’s second or single payment with the Income Form or 730 without tax alternatives. November 30th is also the end of the income season.

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