Critical moments a Sunday on showFriday night version of the show hosted by Mara Venere On Rai 1. They just left the studio Vincenzo de Lucia And the Stefano Di Martinofunny movie heroes on a bicycle with impersonator de Lucia in the role Maria de Filippi.

While, once they leave, the two fall to the ground thankfully not caught by the cameras, Venier has to contend with two unexpected events. The first, in fact, the two partners stumbled into the two stages (“What’s going on? – complains to the director after he feels a certain commotion – tell me what to do? This TV station is not nice … You have to enter Flight? The second, most exciting, is the live phone call from Maria de Filippi. The real call, even if Zia Mara didn’t believe it for a few seconds.

The phone rings and the director hands the call to the studio. Hearing de Filippi’s voice, Venere immediately thought of De Lucia’s joke. “But are you real?He asked several times to his interlocutor, emphasizing that he was amused. Then the sentence revealing the identity of the woman on the other side of the phone, leaving no doubt: “I saw the interview with Renzo Arbor A little while ago… you did something beautiful, that came from the bottom of your heart. “Now that you tell me this, I’m sure it really is you,” Venier laughs. And De Filippi laughs, with a sentimental touch, yes congratulating her friend: “You had a great interview and I’m sure this interview you hosted has been of great help to him.” Then she asks, concluding the series: “It’s really me, do you understand?”, “Yes, I know it really is you,” the hostess confirms.

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