Diversimili, This is how the flag is conveyed through multiple expressive forms, the events of June 11, 2022 in Udine

Diversimili, This is how the flag is conveyed through multiple expressive forms, the events of June 11, 2022 in Udine

Weekend to talk about nature and sustainability through in-depth analysis, training and entertainment. This is the goal of the Cultural Association Kaleidosciencewhich the coming weekend brings to Udine, in the expanses of the former Osoppo barracks, the second edition of DiverSimili – Festival Biodiversity.

The rich free program is designed to engage adults and children, from workshops to in-depth meetings, to audio and theater performances, as Giada Rossi, President of Kaleidoscienza explains:

We are pleased to introduce to the province – Organizers explain – An opportunity for dialogue on issues fundamental to the future of the planet through creativity and art. The software we designed aims to encourage meetings with experts through unusual, sometimes hilarious, sometimes artistic ways. It is important for us to try Knowledge is transmitted through multiple forms of expression, because we think they can bring him closer to everyone’s feelings. As usual, there will be activities for families, with special attention to programming: in fact, we have combined activities aimed at an adult audience with initiatives for children, so that parents can enjoy the events in peace, knowing that children are having fun in the meantime.“.

the program

Saturday 11, from 16.30, interactive laboratory for adults and children “Elica della Vita”, in the same hour “3D for the environment”, immersive videos of the discovery of the path of water from the well to the sea and the fate of waste, by del CeVI – International Volunteer Center. Starting at 6pm, appetizers game for adults “There Is Fermento: Stories of Men and Microbes”, by Alessandra Biondi Bartolini and Antonella Lusa, while little ones will enjoy science-themed board games. From 9pm to Music with Phonosinthesys, a live acoustic performance of contemporary music by the trio of Friulian Triorganico and Francesco Scarel.

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Sunday 12 5 p.m. “Sustainability in the Dish” interview with Chiara Ferrari, Nutrition Biologist. Games and workshops for adults and children continue throughout the afternoon. At 6.30pm the sound-guided performance in headphones “17 Selfies at the End of the World” by Riccardo Tabilio, which leads the audience into play, excitement and imagination about what will happen, and what we may still do for the planet and its inhabitants.

Participation in events Freebut with Reservations required

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