Discord, April Fool's video received 7 times the views of the GTA 6 trailer

Discord, April Fool's video received 7 times the views of the GTA 6 trailer

Sedition Announced that it will be offering reward boxes within its messaging service: Obviously, this is it April Fool. However, something strange happened: the announcement video was posted 628 million views on YouTube Within 18 hours (compared to the time of writing this news). To give you a point of reference, the GTA 6 trailer has 183 million views, 93 of which were achieved in the first 24 hours (an all-time record for a non-music video). How is that possible?

Discord seems to have happened Accidentally falsifying views For your April Fool's video via Android. Developer Marvin Witt wrote on Twitter that Discord was able to create a working YouTube demo bot by looping the loot box announcement trailer in the background of the video's in-app notification.

Witt suggested it was Incidental work on the part of Discord Because even one of the employees expressed his confusion about what happened.

Audience reaction to the Discord video

The audience also seems to find the whole affair amusing. For example, one user wrote on YouTube: “The fact that Discord accidentally created a viewing bot for YouTube is… The funniest April Fool's joke this year“.

Funny or not, it makes sense Discord and YouTube Do something to remove those opinions, as they were obtained illegally.

Speaking of April Fools' Day, here's Multiplayer.it Lofi.

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