Digital Foundry’s video analysis rejects the art sector –

Digital Foundry’s video analysis rejects the art sector –

Bayonetta 3 Finally on the Nintendo Switch, accompanied by critical cheers. But it will succeed in convincing tech enthusiasts of digital foundry? Apparently not, as we can understand by looking at the video analysis in the player above, the game is praised, but not sector drawingare considered ‘limited’ by Switch Hardware and PlatinumGames Tools.

According to Digital Foundry’s analysis, the Bayonetta 3 operates at a dynamic resolution of 810p with the Nintendo Switch connected to the platform, while dropping even below 480p in portable mode.

The frame rate is locked at 30fps during cut scenes and in specific sequences with extensive combat. On all other occasions the target is 60fps, but, quoting John Lineman, “He rarely gets to hit it and that’s a real shame… On a completely empty battlefield, the frame rate regularly drops below 60 fps.” For the second time… Once he’s in a fight, he’s basically completely unlocked and unstable“.

In addition to inconsistent performance, the overall picture quality, presence of very low-resolution textures (even equivalent to those of early Xbox games), pop-ups, and other technical flaws are also criticized. Overall, Linneman states that Bayonetta 3 visually “is Worse than previous games From the series, with the exception of the first Bayonetta PS3 release.”

According to Lineman, the problem is that the tools used by PlatinumGames are now feeling the weight of years and need to be renewed. Also in his opinion Bayonetta 3 is a game too ambitious For the Nintendo Switch, the unstable performance and compromises in terms of visual display, and could one day shine thanks to a port for a more powerful Nintendo console.

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Bayonetta 3 has been available on Nintendo Switch since yesterday, October 28. If you haven’t read it yet, here’s our review of the PlatinumGames procedure.

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