Dialogue between faith and science on climate change – SRM Science and Religion in the Media

Dialogue between faith and science on climate change – SRM Science and Religion in the Media

Science, faith and climate change

An event organized by evangelical Christians at the Foley Institute, centered around the interface between religion, politics and climate science. Bob Inglis spoke by explaining that science and faith are not in conflict, but rather complement each other to understand the divine nature and its role in the world. It affirms that human beings share with God the privilege and dignity of creation.

Inglis believes that the Bible assigns humans a role as co-creators with God, and thus denies that there is a conflict between faith and science. Many religious people feel marginalized and ridiculed by the prevailing culture of functional positivism, a philosophy that recognizes only what can be measured as true. However, the most important aspect of measuring the escape of life, youth engagement is crucial to tackling climate change.

How to deal with climate change? By regulating pollution, promoting clean energy, and holding people responsible for the negative effects of climate change.

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