Delivery of Erasmus+ grants to vocational training students in Granollers

Delivery of Erasmus+ grants to vocational training students in Granollers

a group of 9 students from Granollers Higher Vocational Training degree They received their scholarships this Tuesday Erasmus+ Who grants City Council and Vocational Training and Employment Board Through the International Mobility Working Group.

The group works to promote European mobility Of students from Vocational training from the city. The group of students who received the scholarships are fromMunicipal labor school (5), Carles Valbona High School (3) i the teacher (1). They have carried out professional practices in Italy, Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic and Netherlands.

he FP Board of Granollers I started calling for scholarships Erasmus+ In the 2016-2017 academic year, the total has since reached 54 scholarships.

Erasmus+ Enhances and facilitates working practices in europe, 250 euros are awarded to students from higher degreeAs a complement to the assistance they received from their educational center through the Ministry, to be able to cover part of the travel costs, travel, and daily allowances.

Erasmus+ programme

Erasmus+ It is a program European Commission In the field Education, training, youth and sports, Which has a main goal Provide experience to students Whether on a personal or professional level, by residing in European countries.

People who participate They acquire new skills, improve their language, Get one International work experienceKnow the requirements of the labor market at the community level and improve Understand the economic and social environment of the destination country, At the same time they reach one Identity and professional maturityMotivation to learn in the future.

definitely, Erasmus+ It is a program that helps make students better prepared Improve their run rates. Likewise, this program also contributes to – Reducing the rate of early school leaving.

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