De Felipe has never been so angry.

De Felipe has never been so angry.

The Advance friends of Maria de Felipe An indication that the disturbed recording has just ended. Students, professors, and the Queen Mary are back in the Canale 5 studio, but it looks like a tense episode will be broadcast on Sunday, November 27, 2022. The lady of the house seemed out of her mind with some of the school’s students. the reason? According to the advances mentioned before SuperGuidaTVMaria found herself forced into execution Harsh disciplinary action Because not everyone, including singers and dancers, is involved in cleaning the house in which they live.

The professors, the editorial staff, and de Philippi herself have always firmly demanded that students respect the house in which they live. But the kids obviously didn’t understand the grammar very well. Maria initially shows those present the film that recounts the conditions of the house, highlighting the lack of cleaning by some of the students. Maria de Felipe was very angry with all the boys., is legible. This moment seems to have taken up a large portion of the recording, as it was there ‘a very long discussion’.

Who does not help clean up at Amici’s house it did not appear. Thus the host predicted that she would give “the names of people who do nothing”. Reports provide it “An exasperated De Philippi was not even seen when those in the sketches made her wait during the evening’s episodes to give the rating.”.

The homeowner confirmed that three categories were formed among the talent show students: “Those who do more than they should, those who do the right thing, and those who never do anything.”. Everyone seems to be disappointed by the fact that those who realize they never help around the house with housework don’t get up.

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In addition to Maria, the professors too “on the basis of war”. In fact, Rudi Zerbi decided to send NDG into an immediate challengeWith the approval of Lorella Cuccarini. It appears from the videos that the student is not very cooperative. At this point, Raimondo Todaro – unable to challenge one of his pupils – asked Alessandra Celentano to do it with Mathias. On the contrary, the dance teacher asked her classmate to send the same in defiance Gianmarco.

cause disciplinary action “A real mess with immediate challenges, bad moods, and possible actions in the future”. Al-Zerbi confirmed, in fact, that it would not end like this. Rudy predicted that over the next week he would take ‘Very serious measures’. How did those first two instant challenges go?

Mattia danced and won With the voices of Emmanuelle Law and Alessandra Celentano. On the other hand, Todaro abstained from voting. Not only that, the Latin American dancer Tim won the audition, but as a punishment De Filipe did not allow him to dance. Moreover, the student did not even succeed in the assignment given to him by Celentano. Todaro seemed angry at Mattia, as he made the same mistake about cleaning the house in the last issue.

Things did not go well for Gianmarco. His challenge was frozen. The dancer performed to the tune of Rakumi’s Insuperabile, but he had to leave the studio. Only Emmanuel Le voted for him, in fact Todaro preferred his rival Ginevra. The decision was left to Celentano, who nevertheless He tore up his letter and asked for time to reflect.. Therefore, it is not known if Gianmarco will be eliminated or if he will still be part of the talent show.

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Faced with this sad situation of Gianmarco for Amici 22, Ramon did not hold back his tears. The latter was eager to defend his classmate, pointing out that he was actually one of the students who always took care of the chores around the house. However, Al-Zerbi advised the dancer to take the matter out on his comrades who did not get up and assume their responsibilities.

Gianmarco himself admitted that he did not understand his mentor’s decision to send him to stab. Keep recording with Direct challenge to NDGwhich she won over Michelle. After that, Maria reveals who are the pupils who are constantly engaged in cleaning the house.

Amici Predictions 22: Singers Competition and Dancers Competition

The judges of the cover singers competition were Cristiano Malgoglio, Irama, and Federica Gamba. A former Amici student also presented his song Ali to the public. Just in one of the last episodes, Erama surprised AaronDirect from the United States. The singer returned to Italy and immediately headed to the place that saw him growing up artistically. On this occasion, Irama is awarded double platinum, which he decides to give to Maria, to whom he owes a great deal.

It should be noted that in the following rankings, the first three places appeared on the screen and were marked in green, while all other places were marked in red waiting to see who would suffer. Other disciplinary action. Professors had to choose from among their students whether or not to take on the immediate challenge, whether to switch to an alternate or choose immediate exclusion.

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Aaron 9-
Angeline 9
Tommy 8.5
Frederica 8
Niveo 7++
Clique 7+
Small G 7-
NDG 7- –
Wax 6.5

Aaron and Tommy, who were in the top three in the standings, escaped regardless of disciplinary action. When the pupils were asked again who did not always participate in the cleaning, Aaron, Tommy and Little J got up. , who assumed their responsibilities.

The three singers applied independently. immediately afterwards, De Filippi revealed who the students are always cleaning up: Megan, Madalena, Krika, Rita and Ramon. However, the boys were keen to point out that Federica and Ludovica were also involved.

Nancy Bertie judged the dance competition.

Isobel 9
ramon 9-
Same 8.5
Madeline 8+
Gianmarco 9-
Rita 7.5
7- Matthias
Samuel 6+
Megan 6- –
Louis 5

Amici 22, taped, episode 27 November 2022

while recording, I performed Arisa Teaching children how to play a song with sorry seems to be the world’s toughest. Federica wins Marl’s test. As for the unedited race, it was the second winner between Crica and Federica this week. But it seems that during the registration, due to the chaos that broke out with the disciplinary action, “There was little time for joy.”.

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