Cyberpunk 2077, bugs? Wrong QA company that lied to CDPR, says report –

Cyberpunk 2077, bugs?  Wrong QA company that lied to CDPR, says report –

the many an insect That plagued and still Cyberpunk 2077 movie I’m wrongQuality Assurance Company who – which he lied to CD Projekt RED about the scale of the problems and his own efforts to spot them, according to a report in Forbes.

From a bug that allows you to spot fake disabled people in Night City to a bug that manages to spread cops all over the place, there’s no doubt that Cyberpunk 2077 has quite a few. Problems At launch, both on PC and on consoles in particular. Well, it seems that not all of the responsibilities for what happened are attributed to the Polish team.

An anonymous source also revealed to YouTuber Upper Echelon Gamers, a company they do business with Quality Check CD Projekt RED was contracted to control game systems during development.

However, these people seem to have contacted Polish studio A falsely exaggerated number of contributors involved in exposing bugs in Cyberpunk 2077 in order to keep the contract.

Not only that: the company ensured that the team consisted of senior employees, when in fact they were all juniors with Less than six months of experience in quality control.

Finally, there was a constant daily quota of bugs reported to CD Projekt RED without priority criteria, leading the development team to spend time on minor bugs, while more serious issues weren’t discovered.

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