Crisis in Ukraine directly. The exchange of accusations between the United States and Russia: “If they invade, they will pay for it.” ‘American hysteria has reached its climax’

Crisis in Ukraine directly.  The exchange of accusations between the United States and Russia: “If they invade, they will pay for it.”  ‘American hysteria has reached its climax’

Comparing Biden and Putin. Ten countries ask their citizens to leave Ukraine

if it was Russia Invading Ukraine will cost dearly and the US wants to move forward with diplomacy “but is equally prepared for other scenarios”. As fears of a war looming in the heart of Europe, the President of the United States Joe Biden He said this over the phone to Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an interview, according to the White House, that lasted 62 minutes. In the meantime, then 10 countries, including Italy, has called on its citizens to leave Ukraine in light of warnings of the imminent threat of a Russian attack. “Given the current situation, and as a precautionary measure, the compatriots have been invited to leave the country temporarily by the commercial means available,” the message was. Farnesina. Similar requests to its citizens have been made by Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Spain, which have joined the United States of America, Denmark, Norway, Canada and New Zealand. While the United States announced the evacuation of almost all of its personnel from its embassy to Kiev, thus sending a signal that they are preparing for the worst case scenario. The Kremlin, for its part, in light of the phone call between Putin and Biden, accused the United States of doing so “hysteria”But he also added that the two said they “agreed to continue dialogue at all levels.” Putin would have liked the Biden interview to take place on Monday, but the White House tenant pressed to anticipate this in light of the intelligence that sounded the alarm in the United States yesterday: the US National Security Adviser, Jake SullivanIndeed, he warned that, according to some information, the Russian invasion could begin within days, even before the end of the Beijing Winter Olympics scheduled for February 20. The phone call – which did not change the scenario according to an American source – came after a new conversation between Putin and Emmanuel Macronwhich lasted an hour and 40 minutes, in which the Elysee’s tenant told him that “honest dialogue is not compatible with a military escalation” and identified the Kremlin leader ‘Provocative speculation’ Allegations that Moscow is planning an invasion. Russia has rallied 100 thousand soldiers near the border with Ukraine and sent military personnel to conduct exercises in neighboring Belarus. The hypothetical timing of a possible military action remains a question without a definite answer: there will be US intelligence according to which Russia considers Wednesday as the deadline, but the source does not specify how accurate this information will be. Moscow continues to deny that it intends to launch an attack: in addition to Putin speaking to Macron about “provocative speculation”, his foreign minister said, Sergey Lavrovaccording to CNNSpeaking with her American counterpart, Anthony Blinken He denied that Russia intended to invade Ukraine. Meanwhile, as diplomatic contacts continue in an effort to resolve the biggest security crisis between Russia and the West since the Cold War, the Ukrainian president has declared Volodymyr Zelensky He tried to express calm while watching military exercises near Crimea, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014: panic is the “best friend” of the country’s enemies, he said, “everything is under control.” To heighten tensions between the United States and Russia, the Russian Defense Ministry said it had summoned the military attache of the US embassy after it intercepted a US submarine in Russian waters near the Kuril Islands in the Pacific Ocean. the Submarine He would first ignore the request to leave Russian waters and then leave after using “appropriate means”. In addition to soldiers, Russia has also deployed six amphibious assault ships in black sea, which increases its potential landing on the coast. According to RIA, more than 30 ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet have started training near Crimea. For its part, the United States has reinforced the US military presence in Europe to reassure allies on the eastern side of NATO: pentagonal He ordered another 3,000 soldiers to be sent to Poland, in addition to the 1,700 already expected to arrive; The US is also moving 1,000 soldiers from Germany to Romania, which like Poland shares a border with Ukraine.

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Putin to Biden: “Why are you giving false news about the invasion of Ukraine?”

Russian President Russian President Vladimir Putin He told the American Joe Biden Not understanding the reason for the spread of the United States fake news About Russia’s intention to invadeUkraine. He told the news agency tax Kremlin foreign policy advisor Yuri Ushakov. “We can say it was a balanced and professional conversation,” he added.

The submarine, Biden, and Putin did not mention it in the phone call

Story of the American submarine It was intercepted and removed by the destroyer Marshal Chaposhnikov in the territorial waters of Russia in the Pacific Ocean not eaten During the phone call between Russian President Vladimir Putin and American Joe Biden. The Kremlin determines this, according to reports from TASS.

Turkey: “Our Russian sources say there will be no invasion”

Western media reported that Russia might invade Ukraine at any time. the United States of America They say that a full-scale war may break out soon. But the Russian and Belarusian sources that we talked to deny this.” The Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Cavusoglu In the CN TurkDemanding Western Allies to “Avoid Fomenting Panic”. We need to focus on easing tensions. Cavusoglu added that it would be unreasonable to expect all these issues to be resolved with one or two letters, and it would be wrong for Russia to try to launch such an invasion while the process of “negotiations” is underway.

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Croatia, Sweden, Denmark and Israel are recalling their citizens

There is, too CroatiaWith the growing international tension, today he called on his citizens to leave Ukraine, allied with similar decisions taken by many other European countries. Yesterday in the area the same thing they did the black Mountain And North Macedonia. The three former Yugoslav countries are part of NATO, as well as Bulgaria, who today also decided to evacuate their citizens from Ukraine. A similar decision was also made in the past few hours by Sweden And Denmark. Prime Minister Israeli Bennett asked his countrymen in Ukraine to do the same.

Orban: “A wave of refugees from Ukraine in the event of an invasion”

Hungarian Prime Minister, Victor Urbanwarned that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could push back Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees to flee across the border to his country. The right-wing leader, speaking in an annual address that kicked off this year’s political campaign for the April 3 elections, called for peaceful solution To the growing tensions in Europe that resulted from fears of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine. Orban, who has long opposed any kind of immigration, said it was in Hungary’s interest to “avoid war” that could cause a wave of Ukrainian refugees and seriously damage the economy. While calling for tensions to be resolved through dialogue, Orban said he opposes EU plans to use sanctions against Russia as a deterrent. “Sanctions, punitive policies, conferences, or any other kind of arrogance on the part of great powers is out of the question,” Urban said.

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USA to US Companies: “Beware of Potential Cyber ​​Threats”

The Biden administration urges US companies and institutions to exercise caution in the face of eventualities Cyber ​​threats and attacks. “As we know, Russia has used ‘cyber-threats’ as a primary element, even to destroy essential infrastructures,” tweeted Jane Easterly, number one in the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

The Kremlin: “American hysteria has reached its peak”

American hysteria over the Ukraine crisis has reached its “peak”. This was announced by the Kremlin after talks between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden

The Kremlin: Putin and Biden agree to continue dialogue

According to the Kremlin, in their phone call today, Vladimir put it in and atmosphere Biden They agreed to continue dialogue on the Ukrainian crisis. According to the Kremlin adviser, citing taxRussia will take into account the ideas proposed by the United States on security guarantees on NATO’s eastern front, Putin said, adding that the West does not take into account Russia’s concerns and criticizes the militarization of Ukraine by Western countries.

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