Covid vaccines, Moderna sues Pfizer-BioNTech: ‘He infringed our patents with mRna technology’

Covid vaccines, Moderna sues Pfizer-BioNTech: ‘He infringed our patents with mRna technology’

modern He announces that he has filed two lawsuits against the patent Pfizer and Biontech In the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts and in the Düsseldorf Regional Court in Germany. As explained in a press release, modern It believes that Pfizer and Biontech’s covid-19 vaccine, Comirnaty, infringes Moderna’s patents between 2010 and 2016 on Moderna’s core mRNA technology.

“this is technology He was fundamental to the development of Moderna’s mRNA covid-19 vaccine, Spikevax – reads the press release -. Pfizer and Biontech copied this technology, without recent permission, to achieve comirnaty. “We are filing these lawsuits to protect the innovative mRNA technology platform that we have built and invested billions of dollars in over the decade prior to pandemic – announce Stephen Bansel, CEO of Moderna – This core platform, which we started building in 2010, combined with our patented work on coronaviruses in 2015 and 2016, enabled us to produce a safe and highly effective covid-19 vaccine in record time. after the outbreak of the epidemic. As we work to combat persistent health challenges, Moderna is using our mRNA technology platform to develop drugs that can treat and prevent infectious diseases such as influenza and HIV, as well as autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease and rare forms of cancer. “

In line with its commitment to equitable global access to vaccines – press release continues – in October 2020, Moderna pledged not to enforce patents related to covid-19 during the pandemic. In March 2022, with the collective fight against COVID-19 entering a new phase and the supply of vaccines no longer a barrier to entry in many parts of the world, Moderna updated its commitment by making it clear that it would never claim patents for its vaccines used in 92 low- and middle-income countries. At the same time, Moderna expected companies like Pfizer and Biontech to respect their intellectual property rights and was willing to consider a “commercially reasonable license” if it was required for other markets.

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“We believe that Pfizer and Biontech have illegally copied and continued to use recent inventions without permission – he explains. Shannon Zaatar KlingerModerna’s chief legal officer – outside of amc 92 countries, where vaccine provision is no longer a barrier to entry, Modern expects to compensate Pfizer and modern biontech for comirnati’s continued use of Moderna’s patented technologies.” Recognizing the need to ensure continued access to This life – providing vaccines – concludes the press release – Moderna is not seeking to remove it Kommernate from the market and does not require an injunction to prevent its sale in the future. In addition, Moderna does not seek damages in connection with sales of Pfizer in the amc 92 countries nor does it seek damages for Pfizer sales where the US Government will be liable for any damages. In keeping with Moderna’s patent promise, the company is not even seeking compensation for activities that occurred prior to March 8, 2022.

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