Covid: Lower death rate in the most vaccinated states, US study

Covid: Lower death rate in the most vaccinated states, US study

The United States has reported more than 370,000 Covid deaths during the delta and omicron waves. Countries continued to lag behind.

The United State It has reported more than 370,000 deaths from Covid (112 per 100,000 population) during waves of Delta and Omicron. The excess mortality rate from all causes has exceeded the death rate from COVID-19, reaching 145/100,000 people. But if these two items had values ​​similar to those in the most vaccinated states, fewer lives would have been lost to the virus. This is the picture that emerges from an analysis published in JAMA, which also provides further confirmation of the potential impact of anti-Covid vaccines with regard to averted victims.

If the overall death rate from Covid in the United States was in line with the lowest rate recorded in the 10 most-vaccinated states — explain the authors of the Brown School of Public Health in Providence (Rhode Island) and the Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia — the country could have spared more than 122,000 deaths from June 2021 to March 2022, and would have averted more than 266,000 if the all-cause death rate in the United States matched the rate of the 10 most vaccinated vaccines. Not only that: Countries have continued to lag behind others — including Italy — in terms of Covid and all-cause mortality, scientists note.

If the United States had the same rates as other similar countries, calculate scientists Alyssa Belinski, Kathryn Thompson and Ezekiel Emmanuel, the averted deaths would have been much higher in most cases (ranging from 154,000-357,000 for Covid, and 209,000-465,000 for Covid). all causes of death). Experts compared the United States overall, the 10 most and least vaccinated US states, and 20 countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, including Italy. In detail, the analysis shows that in the 10 most pollinated countries (73% coverage) there were 75 deaths from Covid disease per 100,000 inhabitants (for Italy, the reported value is 54.2), while in the last 10 states we reached by coverage (52%) 146 per 100 thousand inhabitants. The 10 most pollinated states also had an all-cause excess mortality rate that was comparable to or lower than many countries (eg, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, and Finland) in omicron and delta waves combined.

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