Covid, infection hits central Europe: Netherlands in partial lockdown, German experts call for ‘reduce contacts’

Covid, infection hits central Europe: Netherlands in partial lockdown, German experts call for ‘reduce contacts’

Dthe East The Central EuropeThe resumption of the epidemic now is astonishing and disturbing GermanyAnd Holland NS Belgium. after, after BulgariaAnd Romania NS Slovenia In extreme difficulty due to the large number of patients forced to seek medical care, it is now up to a new trio of countries – along withAustria, which shoots Unvaccinated insurance – Acceleration unlike the fourth wave. The situation is considered “Very disturbing” in ten countries and “alarming” in ten others, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) explained (Ecdc). Ben 27, Belgium, PolandThe Netherlands and Bulgaria Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary And Slovenia is in the category of greatest concern, according to the Stockholm-based center’s latest risk assessment.

As for the Netherlands, Prime Minister Mark Rutte has announced partial insurance from three weeks Starting on Saturday. Among the actions that were carried out Bars and restaurants close at 8pm and non-essential merchandise stores at 6 pm. Fans are also away from the stadiums. The range of places where the green lane must be shown has been expanded. Rutte stressed that “the virus is everywhere,” noting that with the partial closure, a “strong blow” will be dealt to the increase in infections. The restrictions will apply at least until the next stage December 4. Among the measures is also a strong recommendation for smart work It should only be avoided if it is indispensable – et al Reception of up to 4 people in the house. In the workplace will return social distancing Mandatory 5 meters. Safe – but with limitations on capacity – Cinema NS Stage. Takeaway will allow e There is no curfew. The government will also immediately initiate the third dose for citizens aged 80 and over.

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as well Germany Moves towards new “broad” restrictions on public life, at the request of Robert Koch Institute With Urgent call Against 48 hours almost confirmed 100 thousand new cases and record occurrence 236.7 every 100 thousand. Rki experts are calling for ‘Cancel or ban me’ big events Where possible” and “all other non-essential contacts are minimized.” A joint press conference by the Minister of Health is scheduled for today Jens Span Head Rki Lothar WheelerAs the DPA expects, given 50,000 cases on Wednesday and 48,640 confirmed cases in the past 24 hours. Advisor Angela Merkel Rulers will meet 16 federal states Next week, Parliament will consider a law for a new legal framework for winter restrictions.

A new recovery in infections and hospitalizations from Covid-19 was also recorded in Belgium: the National Crisis Center reported a 42% increase from infections and 20% of admission related to the Corona virus. interval Autumn holidaysExperts stress that it would have affected the increase in the number of cases. Meanwhile, the Austrian chancellor Alexander Schallenberg do not rule out a Close because I am Not vaccinated Nationally, after Upper Austria announced that it had taken this measure to break the curve of infections. No vax insurance ‘It seems inevitable’Specifying that there would be no “solidarity shutdown” of vaccinators, Schallenberg said: “I don’t understand why two-thirds of the population should restrict Freedom Only because a third of them hesitate “to vaccinate,” the chancellor added. “This is amazing Christmas It would be inconvenient for the unvaccinated.”

The expansion towards central Europe, a continent that has once again become a special note by the World Health Organization, comes after an explosion of cases in eastern countries, where the epidemic does not appear to be receding. Russia is registered 40123 new cases NS 1235 deaths Due to illness. The virus also continues to spread in Slovenia, where the infection and mortality curves are not receding and the situation in hospitals remains critical. Confirmed on Wednesday 3568 new positives Of the 9,068 molecular tests performed, the incidence rate is equal to just under 40%, a number that has remained very high for several weeks. What worries the health authorities is the situation in Hospitals. According to the National Institute of Public Health (Nijz), at present there are 920 in hospitalOf these, 212 are in intensive care. The number of new cases of infection for two weeks per 100,000 residents is the equivalent of 1894 cases, bringing the total recorded positive cases to 39,343. Therefore, the capacity for health care remains limited. Department of Pediatrics inMaribor Hospital know from No breathing apparatus Available for younger children, while Clinic Ljubljana He advocated rational use of hospital services.

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