El consum d’entre 3 i 5 tasses diàries de café s’associa amb un menor risc de recurrència de càncer colorrectal i amb una menor mortalitat per totes les causes en estos pacients. La recurrència es produïx quan el càncer es detecta després del tractament i després d’un període de temps en el qual no es va poder detectar. Prendre café podria reduir el risc d’esta reaparició del càncer, segons un estudi realitzat en Països Baixos i publicat recentment en la revista científica “International Journal of Cancer”. A més, els investigadors van trobar una menor mortalitat per totes les causes dels pacients d’este càncer que consumien café.
We all know that motivation in life and its various challenges is very important. Do like other readers who have created a personal path with me by writing to me immediately to: salvatore.dimaggio@leggilo.org Pixabay Enthusiastic people are more successful, They get tired less and reach their goals more easily. The science of personal motivation some […]
Should children's toothpaste contain fluoride?Saint Joseph Clinic This is one of the questions often asked when consulting pediatric dentists. And this is it Oral health for children One of the topics that worries parents the most, knowing how they can help them maintain proper oral hygiene is essential so that the little ones at home […]
Do you know the physical repercussions that can result from a psychological disorder?freepik Suffering from psychological disorders is very common and increasing in the era in which we live. Constant stress can be a trigger, but also, Type of food, genetic factors, physical exercise, alcohol or tobacco consumption, etc. However, the reasons can be different […]