Christmas: Science says decorating the tree is good for you and relieves stress

Christmas: Science says decorating the tree is good for you and relieves stress

For lovers from the atmosphere of Christmas This is a topical moment: the choice and decoration of the Christmas tree. According to scientific research that doesChristmas tree Upfront is happier than the average person.

In fact, Christmas and the period leading up to it cause very strong emotions and feelings in people. there Who loves him beyond measure And who for more or less conscious reasons suffer from it. This is because the holiday season Able to release feelings and needs which we often hide.

Christmas tells about our childhoodHappy moments in the family, smiles and hugs remain engraved in the mind and heart.

Growing up, the perception of holidays inevitably changes, and our lifestyle takes us away from seeing only the positive aspects that we need to feel the child in us.

Steve McCunepsychologist and founder of the McKeown Clinic, argues so Decorate the house in advance She helps get back to being a child and lets her be Typical of those who are able to better experience their emotions. So much so that it can be said Whoever puts up the Christmas tree early is happier than the average person.

McCune confirms this Early decorations help relieve stress Typical of adult life.

Decorations, in fact, have the potential to Enthusiasm doubled And make us children again.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to quit Christmas tree And get rid of stress.

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