China is firmly behind the United States in terms of the UN budget: that is who funds the UN

China is firmly behind the United States in terms of the UN budget: that is who funds the UN

to’United Nations Organization It was born after World War II to promote the peaceful development of humanity and ensure the maintenance of peace throughout the world. It is the fruit of an idea United StateIt should therefore not be surprising that Americans are the main economic financiers. In 2022, Washington paid the United Nations 830 million Of dollars, it contributes 28% of the United Nations budget, despite the presence of hundreds of member states.

Significant financial assistance also comes from Asian countries. there Chinawhich occupies second place in this ranking, contributes about 15% of the total United Nations budget, by paying 15% 438 million of dollars last year and a clear increase compared to the past: just think that in 2000 you spent only $12 million. In third place is Japanwith 230 million of dollars. The first European country is instead Germanyin fourth place, with 175 million Of dollars. They follow United kingdom, France And ItalyVII with 91 million of dollars paid to the United Nations in 2022.

In the letter published by the Secretary-General António GuterresSome countries were late in their contributions: Antigua and Barbados, Comoros, Republic of the Congo, Iran, Guinea, Papua New Guinea, Tommy and the Prince of the South, Venezuela, Vanuatu And SudanAlthough this is a relatively small percentage of the UN budget.

Since its founding in October 1945, the United Nations has seen a growth in the number of member states 193, out of a total of 196 countries recognized as sovereign states. Everyone is required to pay fees to support costs: these payments are partly obligatory, partly voluntary. The organization was distinguished by many humanitarian, economic, social and cultural initiatives, especially in the field of… Developing regions Which requires a large amount of money. This is why member state financing is so important.

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