Cherasco, opening of the exhibition “Women, Science and Work” at Palazzo Salmatoris –

Cherasco, opening of the exhibition “Women, Science and Work” at Palazzo Salmatoris –
Cherascpo . women shows
Dr. Giovanna Cristina Gaddo who hands over the painting to Mayor Carlo D’Avico

Saturday 30 April at Palazzo Salmatoris in Cherasco, Sala Reviglio, with the greetings of Mayor Carlo D’Avico, Chancellor Umberto Ferondi, Vice Mayor Claudio Bugetti and Chancellor Elisa Botero and with the interventions of the Women’s Adviser to the names of the sites Dr. Giovanna Cristina Gado and Member of the Regional Council of Piedmont Anna Mantini, exhibition inaugurated “Women, Science and Work”which was created in collaboration with the Women’s Toponymic Association, an event that won important support from Piedmont Regional Equality Council member Anna Mantini.

The exhibition extends through historical time, explaining the achievements made by women in various fields of science, and the achievements they achieved despite the obstacles and obstacles they had to overcome. It is an exhibition that documents the presence of women in the scientific world since ancient times. From medicine to mathematics, from botany to astronomy, from zoology to physics, and from technology to information technology, there was no room for human knowledge not seen by interested researchers and ingenious observers.

«Women, Science and Work Exhibition– explained Dr. Giovanna Cristina Gado, Communications Officer from Female toponyms – Organized by the Cherasco Municipal Administration in collaboration with Female Site Names (President Professor Maria Pia Ercolini) It is suggested:

  • Introducing, recognizing and appreciating the role of women in science and the scientific authority of women’s work;
  • from Overcoming stereotypes and gender inequality, according to the principles of the Constitution of the Italian Republic of equal social dignity, equality before the law of all citizens, and equality between men and women in the workplace;
  • To highlight the importance of gender language and the correct application of Italian grammar in the feminine formation of the professions of female engineers, astronauts, computer scientists, biologists, botanists, mathematicians, ecologists, chemists, astrophysicists and scientists (professions previously practiced exclusively from before men, and therefore, it was only practiced for men);
  • from Spreading knowledge and awareness of the social, political, economic and scientific role that women had, and will play, in building society and increasing the visibility of their work.;
  • To promote women’s empowerment and self-esteem and broaden girls’ perspectives and aspirations by providing valuable female role models“.

“I have strongly supported the progressive realization of
Women’s Toponymic Exhibition “Women, Science and Work”, organized and held by the municipality of Cirasco in cooperation with the Association of Women’s Toponyms.
– Advocate Anna Mantini, Equality Counsellor for the Piedmont region highlightedI think the project proposal is particularly important and interesting, given the high cultural value and goals it proposes, which aims to compare gender stereotypes, in women’s equal right to work without discrimination, in the specificity of educational training and information in the logic of equality between young men and women as well as citizenship to overcome Gender inequalities and biases in the workplace.

After sincere thanks from Mayor Carlo D’Avico, Chancellor Umberto Ferondi and Chancellor Elisa Botero for the high cultural value and effective documentary testimony of the Women’s Toponymy Exhibition – Principal Professor Maria Pia Ercolini – and for the insightful contributions made by Dr. . Giovanna Cristina Gado is a female toponymy lawyer and Anna Mantini, a Piedmont regional equality advisor, Female toponymy reference handover To Mayor Carlo D’Aveco for the painting “Municipality of Cirasco, Female-Friendly Toponyms for 2022”, For the virtuous public work, for the advancement of scientific women and their work, in the logic of gender, which is implemented in cooperation with the association.

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The exhibition will be open to the public at the Sala Reviglio of Palazzo Salmatoris until May 15 at the following times: Wednesday to Friday from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm, Saturdays and holidays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 3 pm to 7 Evening Evening Entry is free.

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