Check here if it's your turn to be there

Check here if it's your turn to be there

Catalonia's parliamentary elections are scheduled for May 12. The City Council, at its plenary session, held a public lottery to appoint the persons who would exercise the presidency and vote of the electoral mesa during Election Day. 2,214 people were named. You can check if you have touched on this connection (It is a municipal website and its operation is not dependent on iSabadell).

The total number of voters appearing on the city's final census rolls is 156,549. Of the total number of voters, only 124,077 people meet the criteria for appointment as members of electoral committees. In fact, the legally prescribed requirements for board membership are to be under 70 years of age on the day of the vote – although they can request a replacement at 65 – and over 18 years of age on the day of the draw. At least literacy.

Regarding the positions of the electoral months, 9 people are chosen for each table (a nominal president and two alternate members, a first nominal member and two alternate members, a second nominal member and two alternate members), of whom on election day there must be three: a chairman and two members. The chairperson must have a high school diploma, FP2 or above. Members are chosen from among the rest of the potential voters. If any named person has a justifiable and documented reason preventing him from accepting the position, he will be given a period of 7 days from the date of notification to file a complaint before the District Electoral Board.

The City Council has enabled electronic consultation of the electoral register of the city of Sabadell so that citizens can see information about their college and polling station. He can be consulted here.

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Cover image: Electoral College in the April 2019 General Election Author: David B.

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