Call to find a missing Santpedor resident this Wednesday

Call to find a missing Santpedor resident this Wednesday

Laura Serrat


The 43-year-old Santpedor resident who disappeared on Wednesday when he went Go for a walk in the mountains He was found alive in the area Beau del Glaceto Serra de Montliu (Manresa) This morning, a search apparatus consisting of four Mossos d'Esquadra teams, four from the Generalitat Fire Department, a canine unit and a GRAE helicopter were deployed to search for Gerard. Forested areas in the Salles, In San Salvador de Guardiola (Bajes), where Bagnik's car was found this morning next to garbage.


Father and teacher at Llissach School

Santpedurenc is a fatherLycée de Saint-Pedor and a dance teacher in one of the center's after-school programs. The school's residents and the educational community also organized cooperation on the device, participated in the search, and published pictures of the page on the networks with the aim of determining its location. Finally, a group consisting of his uncle and some friends found Gerard at around 2-4 p.m. on the Serra di Montliu, a ridge south of Manresa that connects the Rajadel creek with the Guardiola creek.

By region 7 santpedorec was conscious when he was located. Initial reports indicate that the man would have been injured after he fell and was struck in the back, although it has not yet been determined whether Albagnik suffered serious injuries. A helicopter will transport Santpedurenc to a medical centre, which has not yet been determined.

The night is on the level

As the Mossos explained, a relative presented himself yesterday, at 2/4 of 7 p.m., to the Manresa Police Station and reported the disappearance of the Bagnik, after confirming that it was not usual for a man to disappear without warning. The Santpedurenc family left home at 10 a.m. to go hiking in the mountains and did not return. After filing the complaint, police and firefighters deployed to search, to no avail, for the missing person in various forest areas in Bagis. Twenty-four hours later, after spending the night on the ground, Gerard was located.

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Gerard, Santpedor's missing neighbor

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