Call to save part of your municipal waste fees in Sabadell

Call to save part of your municipal waste fees in Sabadell

families Sabadell They have a way of saving themselves from part of the hike Municipal waste ratewhich rose by 15% in 2024.

Using waste collection can allow you to get discounts on your waste rate: a 10% discount if you have used Blue Points, Mini Waste Collection Points or Mobiblau between 4 and 8 times on different days, and 20% discount If you have used it 9 or more times on different days. Discounts apply to the municipal rate, not the county rate.

Fixed items

the Garbage de Sabadell offers selective collection of municipal waste, which could mean savings for families. The city has two fixed landfills, known as Ponts Blaus, two small landfills and a mobile landfill (Mobiblau). Trash cans repairs It is open from Monday to Saturday and provides free services to citizens and small businesses.

Where are the trash cans? Can Llong Blue Point and Valès Central Park Blue Point. Hours of operation: Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sundays and public holidays: from 9 am to 2.30 pm.


the com.minideixaleries It brings the service closer to citizens while reducing working hours, while mobile garbage collection covers different areas during the week, facilitating the collection of small waste.

Where are the convenience stores? North (Rue Mont Blanc, 36); South (Lope de Vega Street, 41). Schedule: Monday to Saturday working days from 9 am to 1 pm.

Mobiblau, or mobile trash

he mobile phones It is a mobile waste collection service serving different areas of Sabadell. It operates Monday through Saturday, and charges one zone each day: Monday in Zone 1, Tuesday in Zone 2, Wednesday in Zone 3, Thursday in Zone 4, Friday in Zones 5 and 7, and Saturday in Zone 6. This service is available excluding holidays and the month of August . For more details on locations and timetables, it is recommended to review the interactive map available on the Sabadell website.

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