Borsa Italiana, commenting on the session of November 14, 2022

Borsa Italiana, commenting on the session of November 14, 2022

The spotlight is on the Italian BTP IPO with a maturity in November 2028. The securities of the banking sector are in swing. Enel leads the rise in utilities.

Affirmative Action SquareThe main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets started the week Fractional heights. Highlight Placing the eighteenth tranche of Italian BTPExpires in November 2028.

It’s 12.50 FTSEMib It rose 0.52% to 24,582 points, after it fluctuated between a minimum of 24,512 points and a maximum of 24,650 points. At the same time FTSE Italia all participated He got 0.49%. plus sign for file FTSE Italia medium hat (+ 0.17%) and for The star of FTSE Italia (+0.3%).

The Bitcoin It was confirmed above $16,500, after reaching an intraday low of $15807.

The BTP-Bund spread It’s back at 205 pips, with the ten-year BTP yield dropping to 4.15%.

L ‘euro It’s back under $1.03.

Swinging securities from the banking sector.

The BancoBPM It registers an increase of 0.2% to 3.081 euros.

also plus sign for UniCredit (+ 1.25% to € 12.96).

The performance of the Atlantia (+1.1% up to €22.99). At the end of the offer for the full voluntary acquisition promoted by Schema Alfa of the Infrastructure Holding Company, the offeror announced that 447,982,714 shares had been offered in Atlantia, equivalent to 54.249% of the share capital; Thus, Schema Alfa will own 721,323,714 shares, representing 87.35% of Atlantia’s share capital. Subject to the fulfillment of the remaining conditions of the offer, the conditions will be reopened for another period of five trading days, i.e. for the sessions of November 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25, 2022.

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In the (+0.79%) leads the rise in utilities.

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