Bobo Fieri, Goodbye Costanza Caracciolo: New love is the red light “Dark Lady”

Bobo Fieri, Goodbye Costanza Caracciolo: New love is the red light “Dark Lady”
Bobo Fieri, Goodbye Costanza Caracciolo: New love is the red light “Dark Lady”
Christian Vieri, 50, is considered one of the strongest strikers in Italian football: here is his new love /

After a brilliant career in the world of football, the Bologna “bomber” never gave up the world of entertainment. And now there is bad news for those who would love to see him with the former showgirl Costanza Caracciolo: for Bobo Fieri, in fact, it is time for a new truly amazing love, here is the photo that will make everyone jealous.

For football fans, his name shines on the Olympus of the best Italian footballers of all time. Christian Vieri, born in 1973He was born in Bologna, but in Australia he first started playing football, where he made his debut for the Marconi Stallions, which plays in Sydney. His first appearance in the Italian League was in Turin in 1991.

Since then he has played Christian Vieri thirteen teams, Even if his name has always been inextricably linked to a nameInterWhere he played for six years. A wonderful career, not forgetting obviously the 59 matches (scoring 23 goals) with the national team. His career ended in 2009 playing forAtalanta.

But Bobo Fieri’s name remained imprinted in the memories of football fans and outside it, as his career continued The world of entertainment. From participating in “Dancing with the starsTo the role of commentator on “Tiki Taka” and other football programs, without forgetting some adventures in the world of music.

Christian “Bobo” Vieri’s new love: This is the photo that makes the footballer’s fans dream

But Bobo Fieri’s life has always been marked by gossip. In the early 2000s, a relationship with a showgirl and a showgirl created a sensation Elisabetta CanalesWhile between 2006 and 2011, he was linked to Melissa Sata. But on March 18, 2019, his dream culminated in love with the former showgirl Costanza CaraccioloHe also had two daughters from her. A great love is now in danger, but not by another woman…

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That Bobo Vieri is a lover of big cars and big motorcycles is certainly no mystery and he recently showed himself on board a fantastic car Yamaha T-Max.

A model of the Yamaha T-Max, just like the one driven by grand champion Bobo Vieri /

The Yamaha T-Max is a truly crazy motorcycle: here are its features and price

With this amazing motorcycle, we are sure that Bobo Fieri knows how to travel its streets You used to love me (Where he lives with his wife Costanza Caracciolo) and is having the best time. After all, we are talking about a scooter Able to provide up to 48 HP Its price is about 134,999 euros.

The Yamaha T-Max was first produced in 2001.

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