Biden: A dictator. The President of the United States rushes after the Blinken mission. Beijing: “ridiculous and irresponsible words”

Biden: A dictator.  The President of the United States rushes after the Blinken mission.  Beijing: “ridiculous and irresponsible words”

Described as “dictator” Joe Biden Xi Jinping During an election fundraising event in California, and commenting on the story of the Chinese spy balloons that were dropped over US airspace shortly after the US Secretary of State’s mission, Anthony Blinkento repair bilateral relations.

“The reason Xi Jinping was so angry when I dropped that balloon with two carts full of spy equipment,” Biden said, “is that he didn’t know it was there. No, I’m serious. That’s the great embarrassment of dictators, when they don’t know what happened. He didn’t have to go to Where he was. He derailed through Alaska and then fell across the United States and he didn’t know it.”

“When he got shot down – Biden commented again – he was so embarrassed and denied he was there. We’re now in a position where he wants to be in a relationship again. Anthony Blinken has been out there. He’s done good work and there it’s going to take a while,” The US president concluded, adding that we do have to worry about China but not too much because it is “in real economic difficulty.”

Beijing reacted harshly, calling the US president’s remarks “absurd”: “The US’s remarks on this matter are extremely ridiculous and irresponsible, seriously violating basic facts, diplomatic protocol and political dignity.” Speaking of “outright political provocation,” the spokeswoman said.

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