“We want the Einstein telescope in Italy, in Sardinia and in Sousse Entos, I assure you, if it is not yet clear from all that we have said and done in all these months of commitment and above all what we are going to do.” This is strongly emphasized by the Minister of University and Research Anna Maria Bernini, speaking via video link to the event “Einstein Telescope: European Infrastructure for Great Research”, organized in Cagliari in the presence of the Nobel Prize for Physics Giorgio Baresi.
“How reliable it is scientifically, and already desirable, is the candidacy of Sos Enattos to host the Einstein telescope. And I – emphasized the Minister – is responsible for the political, but also economic and social promotion of an initiative in which the Government strongly believes. With all of you we have contributed to Ensuring that the cradle of the Einstein telescope remains in the conditions necessary to truly support candidacy.”
Then Bernini recalled the national regulations just approved to prevent activities inconsistent with the project in the Lola area: “It is very important for us that there be a buffer zone, a suitable place for the ‘Einstein telescope’, and that does not mean giving up territory, which will not It is engaged by privatization, but by enhanced permission to realize some very limited activities which must not interact with the interferometer to be created and which cannot be disturbed by anything that interferes with its continuation on the site.
For the Minister “What we are doing is absolutely revolutionary from a scientific point of view, I am sure of that, but I can also understand very well the economic, social and local views of society, not so much and not only of scientists, but of the society that will establish those lands from a material and non-physical point of view.” material.”
Parisi, the best site for the Einstein telescope in Sardinia
Sardinia, together with Lola, is the best place to host the Einstein telescope, the great instrument dedicated to tracking gravitational waves: said the Nobel Prize in Physics, Giorgio Baresi, on the sidelines of his magistralis lecture during the event dedicated to the Einstein telescope .
“The location will not be determined before the end of 2024 and the Einstein telescope in Sardinia may start operating by 2032 or 2033,” Parisi said. “After the site has been decided – specify – the next four or five years will be a period devoted to digging the tunnel of about thirty kilometers. At that point, in 2029, the scientific part should start and it will take a few more years.”
“I am absolutely convinced that the Lola site is the best candidate of all,” repeated the physicist, chair of the scientific committee supporting the Italian candidacy for the construction of the work, “that it is certainly better than the Dutch site. And these are the characteristics from the land of Lola and the fact that there are few human settlements around the area, we compare in Holland”.
According to Parisi “The strong point is the rare vibrations that are produced, then the granite earth, therefore very hard but also easy to excavate. Moreover, the Italian physicists, along with the French, are the only ones to have made gravitational-wave detectors in Europe and thus Italy normal place.”
But for the physicist, “it is absolutely necessary that the government make a firm and written commitment, and not only of the Minister for Universities and Research, that this candidacy has all the support of the Italian government in the proper form.” “The decision to build the business is to some extent a political one because in the end – explained Parisi – it will be the European Chancelleries who will tell the people concerned what to vote for. It is therefore essential that there is a good international relationship.” .
Local infrastructure is needed
“I don’t think any critical issues are foreseen at this site. Of course, a commitment is needed on the part of the Sardinian region to build all the necessary infrastructures, because we have to imagine a situation where more than 500 scientists will move, often with their families, and there will be a need for Adequate structures, international schools, leisure activities, museums and theatres,” Parisi said regarding the 14 million euro Pnrr tender for the feasibility study of the Einstein Telescope. “There is plenty of time to prepare the infrastructure,” the physicist added, “because it will take at least six years before people arrive.”
Zoccoli (Infn), Sos Enattos mine is the perfect location
“It is a research infrastructure for those who are pushing the frontiers of knowledge forward, and one that is being built once every fifty years in a nation’s history and that can have a significant impact on a region.” This was stated by Antonio Zuccoli, head of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics, at the Italian nomination event for the Einstein Telescope.
“We proposed this unique infrastructure in an abandoned underground mine: it seems an oxymoron to observe the universe from an underground structure,” added the scientist, who explains: “Sardinia is one of the most geologically stable regions in the world, and one of the ideal places To do this kind of research it is also a sparsely populated area, because the less human interference, the more accurate the measurements.”
“Our dream as scientists,” Zuccoli explained, “is to use this infrastructure and gravitational waves to understand the innermost mysteries of the universe and the laws that govern it, and then go back even further in time toward the origin of the universe. And that would really be the infrastructure that allows us to open new doors and flip Pages in the book of nature.
“Infuriatingly humble social media buff. Twitter advocate. Writer. Internet nerd.”