Banco de Sabadell – Marvanta

Banco de Sabadell – Marvanta

We can only say a little about the subject. When banks become large and if one of them goes bankrupt, “they all run away” because it makes countries tremble. In Catalonia, we had funds in areas where there was trade and industry and they were always potentials that helped the region’s economy. The bankers and customers knew each other, and they all knew which foot they were on. There were bad loans but they were few and they knew how to deal with them. The crisis of 2008 came and made everything go wrong, while some “great gentlemen who know how to ring the bell well” created their own companies taking advantage of the bank, as was the case with Caja Madrid, as if they were the clients and the money was his property. Everyone put their hands on the box thinking they were the owners and not the managers. That’s how it’s all over! Many Catalan regional banks collapsed, one after another, systematically affected by the system, as they were absorbed and dismantled the apparatus that supported the country’s business, which competed with the big banks, but the great familiarity between bankers and clients made them profitable and had the necessary support. Business and business economics.

Then came 2017, and Rajoy and King Felipe VI were busy dismantling what remained in Catalonia, with the Spaniards wanting to destroy our economy, with the approval of the Socialist Workers Party and schoolchildren affiliated with the Spanish Socialist Party. Importing companies such as Caixa or Sabadell forced them to change their headquarters, as well as the most important Catalan industries. Others like Caixa Tarragona, which was barely viable, were sold for one euro. Little by little, Catalonia exhausted the big banks, when we Catalans were the great bankers of the medieval world and almost its discoverers, following in the footsteps of the Knights Templar. We had an embassy (about a hundred) in every important port on the Mediterranean where we bought and sold our own products and those of the world known at that time. In all of these ports, Catalan was spoken and merchants worked with Catalan banks. When the Spanish kings lost the Catalan colonies from all over the Mediterranean, everything was diluted like a “bolado”. The Catalans continued to sail, but trade gradually disappeared due to the incompetence of the Castilians who had everything at hand to conquer, Christianize, and rob the Incas and Mayas.

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What happens now with Banco de Sabadell? With Caixa Bank, it is the last big bank we have left in Catalonia. Money can do everything! Now a larger bank, BBVA, which acquired Caixa Tarragona for “euros”, wants to take over Sabadell, increasing the value of its shares. Are the Catalans interested in Sabadell’s disappearance? no; Not at all, not a drop! There are only a few Catalan banks left and competition is dwindling. Catalan entrepreneurs will not have the same options with one less bank in the market. As you can see, our business groups and chambers of commerce have opposed this process, while Spanish businessmen based in Madrid rate it as a good process. PP and Vox love it too. The main thing for them is to destroy Catalonia! The current situation of the Socialist Workers Party is that it says no but deep down it says yes, like the Popular Party and Vox. The important thing for Spain is that the Catalans lose their economic and commercial power because we are a “region” without a voice. Now they will no longer need to bomb Barcelona every fifty years. Dismantling the economy and making Madrid great, little by little, our power is appeased, with less and less voice and it’s over. That’s why they maintain the Catalan fiscal deficit without wanting to fix it, they don’t agree to give us financing according to our needs and in most places we have to speak “everyone’s language”, public works are never finished The Mediterranean Corridor passes through Madrid. “Viva Spain,” say Vox members!

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Here’s what’s happening with Banco de Sabadell. If it remains absorbed, tomorrow the sun will rise again, and Catalonia will continue to fight more poverty, oppression and domination, as it did the day after the year 155. Look, we must be aware and fight desperately to avoid the serious problems that Spain is planning to destroy us. Only the Catalan people have the power to address this problem!

* Anton Moner is a journalist from Gandesa.

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