Avian influenza, outbreaks reported in Canada and the United States: a warning from the experts

Avian influenza, outbreaks reported in Canada and the United States: a warning from the experts

Avian influenza: Several outbreaks have been reported in Canada and the USA. What happens according to international experts?

Bird flu

Bird flu: at Canada and the United States of AmericaSeveral outbreaks have been reported. What happens according to international experts?

Bird flu, outbreaks have been reported in Canada and the United States

Canada and the United States have reported a file Attend several disease outbreak Avian influenza (H5N1) It was developed in the wake of the spread of highly pathogenic viruses (HPAIv) which can cause concern in an international context.

The news was learned by A recent scientific publication in the journal Science. The study, led by scientists from the University of Sydney and the University of Melbourne, focuses on Possible causes of the outbreak of H5N1 HPAIv and what Best Mitigation Strategies to be approved To deal with an emergency situation.

In addition to, Michelle Willierelated to the University of Sydney, H Ian Barrof the University of Melbourne, also studied the consequences of a possible spread of bird flu.

Bell Expert and Australian Study

Regarding the recent outbreak of bird flu, the study authors wrote: “A wave of bird cases It is unprecedented for its rapid spread. One of them is the alarming frequency of disease outbreaks in poultry and wild birds potential threat to humans“.

Since 2020, highly pathogenic avian viruses have gradually spread throughout the world but tend to occur mainly in Intensive aquaculture production systems.

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However, they can also infect wild and migratory species, causing the death of birds. In fact, experts report that between 2020 and 2021 this was the case At least 15 million chickens died or were killed After infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAIv).

It therefore appears that the risk of transmission to humans is increasing even if it has been in the past twenty years Cases of spread were particularly rare.

How to avoid bird flu pandemic scenarios

Regarding the current situation, therefore, scholars Willie and Barr declared: “Bear Avoid pandemic scenarios We suggest that international health and agriculture organizations delve into the dynamics, causes and drivers behind this Avian influenza outbreakespecially in their environments human existence. Continuous investment is also needed in watching and in Wildlife Monitoring – They concluded. If the virus persists Adaptation can increase transmission capacity and easily infect humans as well. This is why it is essential to continue monitoring the animals and their health.”

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