Euros You Can No Longer Pay With And You Didn’t Know It
If you keep coins in a jar at home or carry them in your pocket, beware! Since February of this…
All Latest News For You!
If you keep coins in a jar at home or carry them in your pocket, beware! Since February of this…
Greater inflammation in early adulthood, in the late 20s, is linked to lower performance on tests of cognitive ability in…
Why don’t we want airport expansions? For its climatic effects. Spain has pledged to cut transport emissions by 46% by…
“Vull un mètode anticonceptiu sense hormones“. És la petició que la ginecòloga Mª Ángeles Gómez, especialista en el Centre de Salut Sexual i…
{“name”:”/salapremsa/2024/07/03/17/50/9f1e823f-1ddb-47c2-9c9e-a85a6df6d3aa.jpeg”,”author”:”Best regards,”type”:”0″,”location”:”0″,”weight”:279686} Today, the Minister of Health, Manel Balcells i Díaz, chaired the first regional committee following the implementation of…
Les dades oferides per la Xarxa Espanyola de Registres del Càncer (REDEDCAN), estima que durant enguany seran diagnosticats uns 300.000…
he Electricity prices today July 4, 2024You face significant fluctuations that can have a significant impact on the cost of…
Why do cats scratch furniture? This is the question that an international group of researchers asked themselves and set out…
Rent a house in the area maresme It takes up, on average, half of the household income. This is according…
Octavi Pujades’ 50th anniversary began “regularly”. On July 1, the Catalan actor visited the emergency department for 50 years. As…