Attack on distributors and long waiting lists on the French Riviera

Attack on distributors and long waiting lists on the French Riviera

rush to full Gasin France, attracted by Italian cross-border travelers 30 cents per liter discount applied by a government across the Alpswhich guarantees for at least the next two months a more controlled price of fuel.

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In France, discount Max Gasoline from Ventimiglia Corsa to full

“In the area between Minton and Nice — Roberto Parodi, Secretary of Intemelii Autonomous Frontiers explains — you can find Gas It starts at 1.36 euros to go up but it averages around 1.45 euros per liter.” This last factor led to the appearance of long queues at the distributors in the border area, as cross-border travelers prefer the fact that they actually go to France for business reasons and not specifically for full tanks. “For our workers – concludes Baroudi – this is certainly a huge saving, given that we have gasoline that exceeds 1.8 euros per liter.” Long queues of cars were recorded in the last hours: coming from nearby Ventimiglia, but also from other places in Liguria.

Comments on social networks

Since the morning, pictures have spread on social media by residents and tourists in the area who have posted pictures of petrol pumps with their prices. And for those who do not believe in their eyes, the answer is always the same: “The picture is mine, I can assure you that these are the prices in this area,” we read. News dedicated to fueling more rush to fill up with gasoline.

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Last update: Saturday 3 September 2022 at 17:43

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