ATM, Can you change your card PIN?

ATM, Can you change your card PIN?

The debit card always has a PIN that must be stored or copied. But can you change your PIN?


privileges ATM is that it is definitely related to PIN code Necessary for all payments or transactions, unlike a credit card with which you can only make payments with a signature.

Pin is an acronym from English which means personal identification number, hence the personal identification number. Consists of 5 numbers And only the user knows it; Even the bank employees are not aware of this. In fact, when you get the pin, which is the only number unambiguously associated with an ATM, it is delivered in a sealed and sealed envelope.

If you lose the ATM, you can retrieve the PIN, but it is advisable to choose another, especially in case of theft. For several years now, you can choose contact, that is, without typing the secret code.

Simply bring the debit card to the point of sale and the payment is recorded. Until recently, the maximum spending without entering the password was 25 euro It has now been uploaded to 50.

Is it possible to choose the password for the ATM?

Automated teller machine (Adobe Photo)

It must be the PIN associated with your ATM Store by the user or copied in a confidential manner so that it is not recognized by other people. It’s always good to stay personal.

But it is important not to mistake staples; During the transaction, whether it is an ATM withdrawal or a POS purchase, if you type Three consecutive times incorrect pin The bank blocks or withdraws the card. This is not nice.

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Many users are wondering if this is possible Choose your password, perhaps as easy to remember as the date of birth. The answer is yes, but not always. In fact, not all banks allow this service.

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If Change PIN is enabled, you must go to ATM Bank, choose from the list of options “change the pin”, enter your valid PIN and then choose another 5-digit number as desired. Generally, the secret code change service is Free The first time, from the second onwards, it can have a variable cost, usually around € 1.

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