Athletics, Dosso and Teociano take the bronze medal at the European Championships. A site full of records, Torto makes you dream

Athletics, Dosso and Teociano take the bronze medal at the European Championships.  A site full of records, Torto makes you dream

Hello Olympic Stadium in Rome Keep going Europeans Athletics 2024. Italy celebrates two bronze medals On the evening of the third day of competition with Zainab Dosso More than 100 meters e Catalin Ticosino More than 800 metres. Luca Cito He broke the new Italian record for the 400 meters with a time of 44.75, and Dusso lowered the national record with a time of 11.01 during the semi-finals. Philip Torto He emerged in the 200m with a convincing 20.14 and gives hope for the final.

European athletics results today


100 meters (women)Zainab Dosso wins the bronze medal in an impressive time of 11.03 secondsAfter setting the Italian record of 11.01 in the semi-final. The Italian leaves the starting positions very well, takes the lead in the race, the throw is correct but is overtaken by the British Dina Asher Smith (10.99) And Poland’s Ewa Swoboda (11.03, four thousandths better than the Italian). An Italian returns to the podium in the Queen’s Race 22 years after Manuela Levorato’s bronze.

Zeinab Dosso follows in the footsteps of Manuela Levorato: The Queen’s race shines in blue and bronze in the 100 meters race at the European Championships

800 meters (men)Catalin Ticosiano won a nice bronze medal With a time of 1:45.40. The Italian took over the leadership of the operations in the early stages, and at the end of the first lap he was behind Toal, Atwi and De Arriba and there was hope for a quick start from him, but unfortunately his energy was declining and he was only able to pass the Spaniard Alvaro De Arriba, to occupy third place behind the Frenchman Gabriel Tolle. (1:44.87) and the Spaniard Muhammad Atwi (1:45.20).

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Athletics, Catalin Ticoseanu gives himself a bronze medal: podium at the European Championships, first joy in the 800 meters

1500 meters (women)Ireland’s Ciara Magian won a beautiful sprintShe won with a time of 4:04.66 minutes, ahead of Britain’s Georgia Bell (4:05.33 minutes) and Frenchman Agathe Guillemot (4:05.69 seconds). Ludovica Cavalli She had some physical problems and closed the pace in 4:35.60 and then collapsed to the ground.

Triple jump (women) -The Spanish girl Anna Pelletero-Compaore achieved the title With the best European performance of the season (14.85 metres), thus repelling the attack of Turkish Tugba Danismaz (14.57, national record). Frenchman Elionis Guillaume came in third place (14.43). our Daria Derkach finished eighth With 14.03 meters on the first attempt despite a headwind of 2.1 m/s.

High jump (women)Ukraine’s Yaroslava Mahushikh has become the big favourite From the previous day, I respected the prediction and won The value is 2.01 meters It passed in the second attack after a clear run of 1.99. The world champion defended her continental title She won two years ago in Munich, leaving behind Serbian Angelina Topic (1.97 at third and three zeros at 2.01) and her compatriot Irina Gerashenko (1.95 at second and three zeros at 1.97).

hammer throw (male) – Polishing Wojciech Nowicki won the match on the last throwThe instrument reached 80.95 metres, narrowly beating Hungary’s Bence Halasz (80.49). Bronze went to Ukrainian Mykhaylo Kukan (80.18).

3000 hedging (women) -French Alice Vinot She won the best European performance of the season (9:16.22), beating Germany’s Jessa Krause (9:18.06) and Britain’s Elizabeth Bird (9:18.39).

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semi final

200 meters (men)Filippo Torto hit a great shot It has been proven that he is on the right track, while the vague 20.72 figure recorded three weeks ago was just a false alarm. Olympic 4x100m champion They won their semi-final in 20.14 (0.9 m/s tailwind): Great start, excellent cornering, good straight-line start and then complete control. The runner from Brianza is considered a candidate for the role of candidate for gold in tomorrow’s final, where he will challenge, above all, Frenchman Pablo Mathieu (20.34) and German Joshua Hartmann (20.38). Fausto Desalu also reached the final With the fifth overall time (20.39, second in the series won by Mathieu).

Filippo Torto, The Revenant: Speeds over 200 meters at the European Championships, excellent time and a challenge for gold. Desallo steps forward

400m (Male) – Luca Cito is definitely entering a new dimensionan improvement of two years Italian register Which David Re has held since 2019. The 21-year-old from Milan lit up the scene with a fluent 45.12 yesterday and today he entered a new dimension, They won their semifinal with a time of 44.75 (Best European performance of the season among under-23s). The Italian left behind important competitors, such as Belgian Jonathan Sakur (44.99) and Hungarian Attila Molnar (45.04), to set off for the second time towards tomorrow’s final and give hope for the near future. The best time in the round goes to Briton Charles Dobson (44.65), the third goes to Belgian Alexander Daum (44.87), and Edoardo Scotti is eliminated (fifth in the third semi-final with a time of 45.92).

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Luca Cito enchants Europe: the Italian record overflows, 400 meters champion! In the final margin, the future is his

400 meters (women) – Alice Mangione He was silent for three-quarters of the race, but unleashed on the final straight and regained five places, finishing third in his series with a time of 51.34. The Sicilian improved her personal best by 17 percent and consolidated her fourth place on Italy’s all-time lists, but unfortunately that was not enough to qualify for the final. The Italian, who finished behind Dutchwoman Lieke Klaver (50.57) and Irishman Charlene Maudsley (50.99), is the first to be eliminated from the final class: to get to the final run of the race, it was necessary to run two tenths faster. Two other Italians were also eliminated: Anna Polinari Sixth in the second semi-final (52.53) Giancarla Trevisan Fifth in the first semi-final (52.59). The best time went to Irishwoman Rashidat Adeleke (50.54), ahead of Dutchwoman Lieke Klavier (50.57) and Polish Natalia Kaczmarek (50.70).

In athletics, Alice Mangione adjusts her crew and heads into a thrilling European final in the 400 metres

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