Artificial snow company, the Italian company that saves the ski season in the United States –

Artificial snow company, the Italian company that saves the ski season in the United States –

An Italian company “saves” the American ski season. We are talking about TechnoAlpin of Bolzano, which has been building snowmaking systems for ski areas all over the world since 1990, and which has installed the latest generation snow shooting machines, SnowFactory, in the Ski Apache resort. A system capable of producing 60 tons of ice per day, even in summer temperatures. as told Washington PostThe machines allowed New Mexico’s ski resort, on the slopes of Sierra Blanca, to stay open this year despite record temperatures and a lack of fresh snow.


Using the machine, which was purchased three years ago, the Ski Apache employees were able to cover five hectares with artificial snow

And the operation of the resort about a month before the start of the ski season. Resort manager Ken Marlatt explained you don’t expect snow anymore and don’t expect cold, and I can produce the same amount of snow whether it’s 60 (15C) outside or 30 (0C) outside. Alto Altesina is a franchise recognized also in Italy. Just think of the facilities and projects built in France in Courchevel and Meribel for the 2023 Alpine Skiing World Championships or the recent Winter Olympics in Beijing, held on slopes covered in 100% snow thanks to the contribution of the company’s machines. It is a company, with a turnover of about 250 million (2020 data), which invests every year about 6 million in research and development to improve snow cannons and plant components (pumping stations, software) and at the same time a leader in the sector.

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Climate change and risks

Despite the advances made in this technology, the drop in temperatures in mountainous regions (and not just outside) is still worrisome. In fact, temperatures are also rising in the Alps: they are growing twice as fast as the global average. Which means less and less snow. According to the World Meteorological Organization, In Cortina in 14 years, skiing may no longer be possible. Technology can only be a partial answer. In fact, ordinary snow guns shoot water droplets upwards, at sub-zero temperatures, so that they freeze before they hit the ground. However, if the temperatures drop further, it will be necessary to use only the most powerful machines, such as those at the Ski Apache Resort, which have one importance: they are energy-intensive. The manufacturers themselves argue that the amount of energy needed to make them work is a cause for concern, especially if the goal is to combat climate change.

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