Artificial intelligence and the future

Artificial intelligence and the future

The endless debate about what AI entails is multi-faceted and has all kinds of variables, making it unpredictable and difficult to judge, by today's standards, but will certainly change in the functions of current situations. change In an accelerated manner.

Certainly, the advantages attributed to the new model are many, which means the arrival beliefFar from human logic, and closer than ever to forced dependence on an influential artificial structure.

It seems clear that what is approaching is a different formula for coexistence, where everything will be seasoned with some givens that will determine a very important part of our survival with all its uniqueness, adaptations, and even the arrival of the condition, and our freedom, which will also be subject to indirect criteria to which we are subject, consciously or unconsciously.

As for the work, it is new technology We will want to improve our lives, so that improvement involves, as a counterpart, direct, more and more induced dependence. It is clear that Production operations It will be optimized for accounting and results purposes, and the problem is to know at what cost, and if this will lead to movements in the world of work, as was the case at the time. industrial Revolution.

In the beginning, in the short term, it is difficult for the machine to take our work, but this has been practical evidence in recent years, in unimaginable sectors such as services, which we have seen Machines They intended to reduce staff more than was announced.

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The disappearance of certain jobs is a clear fact. Although the World Economic Forum recently spoke of the loss of more than 80 million jobs around the world, and although it later indicated the creation of approximately 70, the truth is that there will be approximately 15 million jobs that will disappear from the world. existence; However, it was also said that the new economic framework would raise doubts about 300 million jobs that would gradually disappear.

We can do the necessary readings before the problem, and they have seen its far-reaching application, but what is clear is that it will affect our lifestyle, the need for some kind of work on the rise and the loss of others, is a complex preview of tomorrow, where everything will change.

We can remain committed to the fact that there will always be irreplaceable ways of doing things, but we should not forget that the temptation to give vital weight to things Machinesto conquer com. productivevitatsIt will always be possible with what this could mean for the future where space conditioning could become necessary evidence, i.e. something that would have been believable, just 20 years ago, that our dependence on… Mobile phone, as a mandatory reference to the link we present today as natural; Not to mention the synergies of all kinds, positive and negative, with current discussions, where their use, especially for children, is linked, Machine He ignored his personal relationship with his colleagues and family.

I do not know where the end of everything I mention is, as its connotations vary, but what is certain is that its implementation will lead to difficult and complex social breakthroughs in a world that is increasingly dependent on others and where words Individuals are grounded according to a supposed universal path, which will allow us to move toward evidence of endless improvement.

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I do not think that this is the mine of artificial intelligence or not, as it seems to be repeated in every public debate, I think that it is necessary to go to the heart of the matter, evaluate what it brings us and, above all, how we can do it. Controlling its application at the global level, it would certainly be appropriate to talk about it emotional smartnessunderstood as the subjective ability to manage our tomorrow, from the mind, knowing how to see all the connotations that the artificial world can bring us, and developing the necessary brakes and precision, lest reality overtake us and happen New slavery Whatever lies ahead, with Abnormal intelligence.

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