Art science –

Art science –

This cannot be a work of art just because it is an artist, because not everything the artist touches turns into art

Arthur Danto vulgar manifestation

So? If an artist does not produce works of art, who should produce them? And then once you produce a work of art you don’t become one ipso facto artist? How many do we have to produce? two? Maybe three? “This is not a real work of art! I can do that too!” – How many times have we heard it (how many times have we said it)? American philosopher Arthur Danto (1924-2013) collected these questions and brought artistic questioning to the heart of philosophy. We can also say, quoting the title of one of his works, that art has been overthrown by philosophy, transformed into philosophy, and that it has vanished like a September fog.

Art has always been the subject of deep philosophical reflections. From Plato onwards, many philosophers have attempted to define its limitations, possibilities, perspectives, and innovations. Basically, there are two main ways: lAesthetics and philosophy of artAnd the. Although they may be confusing due to their closeness to the subject of study, they differ fundamentally both in the manner in which they are investigated and in the content of their questions. Indeed, aesthetics broader than philosophy of artIt includes in itself the art and the natural. secondly, Aesthetics deals with feeling In the presence of the artistic or natural thing and the beauty that flows from it. In short words It is a form of knowledge, inferior to scientific knowledge, but no less universal (Just think of the problem of beauty objectivity.) On the other hand, we mean by philosophy of art Determine the necessary and sufficient conditions that make this given object X a work of art. In simpler terms, all our feelings are abstract, the problem of beauty transcended (artwork can be – why not? – ugly) to try to define a “genetic code” for the work of art itself.

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Danto’s proposal is particularly effective, at least in terms of concern for the problem, as evidenced by the initial quote. artistic work It satisfies certain conditions (Like, for example, the so-called embodied meaningor “containing meaning”, thearound, translatable with the expression being the result of an interpretive process) which can and must be determined by the philosopher. In short, essential elements are inherent in art which, in their absence, would alter the ontological status of the subject itself. And for this It is understood that the so-called institutional theory of art has taken its place (Art is what is said to be art by the art world in its institutions, museums and galleries, its staff, curators, critics, and gallery owners): Art is fundamentally universal and there can only be a universal science.

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