Aragones warns Sanchez that if he does not negotiate unique financing, there will be no new agreements

President Peter Aragones He wanted the answer Moncloa refused And to those who can say that Unique financing “Impossible and unconstitutional,” directed in particular to the SWP and the People’s Party.

They also said it would be impossible for them, Aragones noted Sorrythe Penal code reform and amnesty. “Catalonia does not understand the impossible,” he stressed during the media breakfast organized by the Europa Press newspaper.

Complaint to PSC

Pere Aragonés insisted on this It should support the PSC“Not once” to obtain unique funding “if he says he defends the interests of Catalonia.”

Aragonés asserts that the PSC “always has a split in defending the interests of Catalonia or the interests of the PSOE” and that “the PSC is usually disappointing.”

If the PSC rebuked that the ERC wanted “privileges,” Aragones said that he was not asking for “any advantage,” but that “it is about justice.”

President's remarks a month from now, on April 26 The parliamentary election campaign will begin.

“peer negotiation”

The President wanted to make it clear that he will not negotiate with other regions of the country, but wants bilateral negotiations between the Catalan and Spanish governments.

He warned that “with multilateral negotiations there will be no agreements in this legislature.”

Defending individual finance

Aragonés claimed, before businessmen and the media in Madrid, that “the Catalan economy is in very good shape”, but it is also necessary to “continue growing”, and for this reason, The fiscal deficit must be resolvedto be executed Investments in major infrastructure As well as unique financing, whereby “Catalonia collects taxes and manages all the resources it generates as a state.”

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