Apple stopped making iPods

Apple stopped making iPods

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apple announce To discontinue the iPod touch, the latest model of portable devices for iPod music playback are still available. The first iPod was an introduction Publicly Posted by Steve Jobs on October 23, 2001, Over Twenty Years Ago: Then the hardware was a huge commercial success around the world, helping make Apple the company it is today. The iPhone, the product to which it owes its current success most, is coming six years later.

The first iPod (Apple)

The first iPod model had an ultra-thin 5 GB hard drive, weighed 186 grams, and a battery lasted about ten hours, was only compatible with Apple computers, and cost $399.

iPod minis of 2004 (Apple)

Over the years, there have been several generations of iPod models: starting in 2004, the iPod mini was small, still with a black and white screen; Since 2005, iPod nano, Thinner, iPod shuffle, without screen; And since 2007 iPod touches – basically iPhones without phone functionality. The production of the iPod nano and shuffle, actually the latest Apple devices that were used exclusively for listening to music, It was discontinued in 2017.

2012 iPod nano (Apple)

iPod touches can be purchased while supplies last. It was presented in its latest version in 2019: in the company’s plans it should have attracted those people who do not want or cannot buy an iPhone because it is too expensive. But for most people, there is no point in owning a second device just to listen to music, which can also be done with smartphones.

iPod touch (Apple)

Apple announced the end of an important part of its history, and said that “the soul of the iPod will live on” in all of its music-playing devices, starting with the iPhone.

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