Announcing the problem with the properties

Announcing the problem with the properties

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BOT Auction June 9, 2023: with posting press release no. 92 dated June 6, 2023 The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) announcedIssuance of treasury billswhich will be placed through a mechanismCompetitive auction in terms of yield.

L’bot auction, In particular, it will take place on Friday, June 9, 2023 In this regard, MEF has published Relative calendar To submit their application for government bonds and complete Subscription of the same.

BOT Auction June 9, 2023: The Ministry of Economy and Finance announces its issuance and the publication of the subscription calendar

As we already found out during a recent article, which we have always posted here on Tag24, here is the in your place As for Subscribe to BOTs Issued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance:

  • L’June 8, 2023 is the deadline for savers to hold the securities;
  • the June 9, 202311:00 is the deadline for submissions during the underwriting auction;
  • the June 12, 2023at 15:30, is the deadline for additional filing of Treasury bills with maturities of 6 months and 12 months;
  • the June 14, 2023 is the settlement date.

BOT Auction June 9, 2023: Here are the main characteristics of the government bonds being issued

Below are the main ones characteristics related to me BOT 12 months:

  • Duration – 366 days (one year);
  • ISIN code – to be appointed;
  • slice – the first ;
  • issue history – June 14, 2023;
  • Expiration date – June 14, 2024;
  • thedisplayed amount – 6,500 million euros.
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All other characteristics of treasury bills

about theBOT Auction on June 9, 2023The Ministry of Economy and Finance has informed potential investors that on that date it will not be possible to submit offers regarding Quarterly Treasury Bonds.

In any case, securities that can be subscribed for will be drawn up through the use of a systemCompetitive auction in terms of yieldAnd not in terms of price, with the possibility of submitting a maximum of 5 purchase orders per person.

L’minimum amount that can be subscribed to 1000 eurosbut it can also be invested in multiples of up to a maximum of 1,000,000 EUR.

the Threads Those who will be able to participate in the competitive auction of treasury bills are exclusively:

  • operators of “government bond specialists”;
  • Ambitious Professionals.

“In implementation of the provisions of Section II – Tit. V of Legislative Decree of June 24, 1998, n. 213, and the relevant implementing rules, with regard to the dematerialization of government bonds, treasury bills are represented by accounting entries in favor of those entitled to them. The Bank of Italy shall Automatically enter BOT items that have been subscribed to the auction to be settled in the Clearing and Settlement Service for Financial Instruments with a maturity date equal to the settlement value.”

Alternatively, they can participate in Additional placement of BOTs With a maturity of 12 months, specified in June 12, 2023operators only “specializing in government bonds”, provided that the latter has already participated inNormal auction on June 9, 2023.

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“The supplemental placement offer is usually set at 10% of the nominal amount offered in the regular auction, determined on the basis of the criteria described in the issuance decree. This percentage represents the amount offered in the supplemental placement, which the Treasury reserves the right to adjust after the close of the regular auction, based on The demand needs expressed by the operators.In this case, a press release will be issued in this regard.

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