In the waters off the coast of the United Kingdom, a group of scientists discovered a new species that left them speechless.

During some regular fishing operations within British waters, some scientists have reported the presence of A New types Of molluscs called Gill pleura British.
A whole team of researchers from Center for Environment, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences United Kingdom and University Cádiz In Spain he was able to become acquainted with this type which at first left them speechless to say the least.
This specimen reaches a length of 2 or 5 cm and is cream and clay in color with some white spots and distinctive leaf-shaped lateral gills on the right side of the body.
Researchers initially thought it was a more widespread type of marine slug called Gill pleuromekele.
However, after various researches and studies, they concluded that it is another type…
New species in the sea, that’s what it’s all about
A team of scientists, following a report, discovered a new type of… Quiet Found within British waters during a routine fishing operation, a New types to Sea snail It is called scientifically Gill pleura.

At first the research team thought it was one Sea snail More widespread, especially in the northern parts of Spain.
But then, after many different researches, examinations and studies of the sample, they came to the conclusion that it was… New types With different physical properties than classic sea snails.
this Discovery It explains how marine species move and adapt based on environmental changes. Marine biologist peter barry, He is also the author of the research related to this new type of sea snail, says:
“Finding new, non-microscopic species is very exciting. This shows that there is still a lot of work to be done. We as scientists have learned a lot from this new discovery. We are talking about differences between species that are almost impossible to see with the naked eye.” “It shows how easy it is to overlook changes in the distribution and range of species we know or, in this case, the presence of an entirely new species where we least expect it. It demonstrates the importance of continuing to question what we see if we are to advance our understanding of how our marine environment is changing.”
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