“A Loud Twist” – Libero Quotidiano

“A Loud Twist” – Libero Quotidiano

A very important turning point: Federica Panicocchi Loop opened morning five Broadcast today on Canale 5 with the case related to the murder of Alice Neri. “Many topics, we have to talk about many things… but we will start with really amazing news… that Emmanuel Kanta will give us soon.”

Then the presenter explained that her correspondent at the place where the charred body was found inside the trunk of the car discovered something really disturbing: “As I expected…An exciting touch in the case of Alice Neary.” following an introduction to his studio guests. Finally, he lined the reporter, who made a sensational revelation: “Tell us about the knobs we found here at the spot where the car was burnt. These knobs are gone and gone. They could have been taken by inquisitors or those who might have been interested in not being found took them during the night.

At the end of the episode, Panicucci reminded the audience at home of all the events that took place this weekend on Mediaset Networks, underscoring a very important schedule change. In fact, tomorrow afternoon’s episode of very righta program Silvia Tovanen, it will not start at 16.30 as always but at 14.10, immediately after the broadcast of the beautiful episode: “Double date with Silvia Toffanin, who changes the time. Attention, so appointment at 14.10″. Shortly after Panicucci closes the episode, I wish everyone a good weekend: “Rest”.

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