Weather: A historic frost wave between the United States and Canada, temperatures drop to -35 degrees Celsius (video)! And what about Italy?
Historic freezing storm in the USAHistorical A wave of frost and snow coming between the United States and Canada only in light birthdaytogether with Icy winds Quite violent, up to 100 km / h Temperatures drop to -35°C.
These early days Freezing air mass The slope of the Arctic is decreasing in latitude, which greatly destabilizes the stability of weather and climatic conditions in Canada. Temperatures in particular experienced a drop within a few hours in states such as Montana, Wyoming, Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota and Iowa, going from positive values of a few degrees to peaks of -25/-30C with storms and snow. In Denver, a temperature of -31°C was recorded, which was the lowest since 1990 in the month of December and also the second lowest on record.
But this will only be an aperitif for the winter stage, which in many ways will become severe. The map below shows the expected thermal deviation in the next few days with values up to -20°C compared to the averages (color Violet/pink): that it’Exceptional cold snapfor both temperatures and the reach of this freeze bubble.Historic frostbite in the United States to me National Weather ServiceAnd the On Christmas weekend, the cold air mass will also spread to the southDown to the Gulf of Mexico brought The snow Top Mississippi, Alabama, Georgiaand sometimes even in fl northern. A historical event for these places that are used to very different, subtropical climates! The photos in the video testify to what is happening in North America during these hours.
White Christmas in New York. On Christmas Eve, frozen goods will easily invade the East Coast, from Washington, DC to me Baltimorealso passes New York And the Philadelphiareach to Boston.
Thus, a White Christmas With minimum temperatures down to -15 / -20 ° C in cities such as Indianapolis (Indiana), Columbus (Ohio), Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) and Down to -11°C in New York. Precipitation will remain confined to the Lake District as freezing westerly winds cause severe blizzards over western New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan during Christmas.
and in Italia? First of all, a necessary introduction must be made: Formations related to the North American continent have no effect on the forecast weather in Europewe are very far away and above all they are “local” dynamics, that is, they cannot concern the entire hemisphere!
However, until a few hours ago General Winter seemed to be able to once again raise his voice towards end of 2022the latest updates, which arrived a little while ago, almost go in the opposite direction: in short, instead of sleet, it can rain a lot.
We’ll be able to talk about it again…
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