A Guide to Choosing a Psychologist

A Guide to Choosing a Psychologist

How to choose a psychiatrist/general assembly:

Choosing a psychologist is not always an easy decision to make.

In fact, you choose the person you don’t know at first, and to whom you will owe

To explain a large part of your life and personal privacy so that I can

I help you.

In other words, you will suddenly have to trust someone you don’t know,

To help you re-educate your habits, get to know yourself, and live better with your habits.

The private person

First of all, you will need to identify the reasons why you are considering this.

You need help. What do you think a therapist can help you with?

There may be different reasons why you may need professional help:

· anxiety

· depression

· Regret.

· Sorrow.

· Love breakup.

· A major change in life.

· The desire to know yourself better and develop yourself.

· Self-development.

Type of treatment:

There are different types of treatment you can look into and see which one you prefer.

More compatible with your needs, although the most common is that

Psychologists have a multidisciplinary approach, i.e. they are eclectic, etc.

Knowing and applying different approaches in a personal way for each one

Consultation in each personal case.

Although each psychologist has his own style, the first session is always with drawing and

The context of the client’s scenario, where the psychiatrist can observe

What is the best approach for that person, which could be completely different from yours?

Someone else in the same or similar situation. Because every person is unique.

· Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): Focuses on identifying

Negative thoughts and behaviors in order to modify them accordingly

change habits

Applications: Anxiety disorders, phobias, depression, eating disorders,


· Psychodynamic therapy: everything is based on psychoanalytic theories

Exploring the unconscious conflicts that influence behavior

the people.

Applications: Wrapped in deep emotions, conflicts and relationships.

Personal relationships.

· Humanistic: Focuses on self-actualization based on growth and

Personal development for each person. Usually from this moment

Present, here and now.

Applications: Personal development, Personal growth,

Safety issues, independence, improving self-esteem and problems

My existence

· Systematic: understands the person as part of a system and analyzes its patterns.

Family behaviors and their impact on each individual

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Family or group.

Applications: Family therapy and couples therapy.

Behavioral: It focuses on modifying dysfunctional behaviors.

Positive reinforcement and/or gradual or progressive exposure.

Applications: Phobias, anxiety, behavioral disorders.

· Personal therapy: It is related to improving relationships and skills.

Interacting with others, in order to reduce symptoms of depression.

Applications: Depression, sadness, relationship problems.

Mindfulness: Uses meditation and mindfulness techniques to help

People to focus on the present and manage emotions.

Applications: Stress, anxiety, depression, and improving overall health.

Eye Movement Recording and Reprocessing (EMDR): Uses

Eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation to try to reach it

Integrating and processing traumatic memories.

Applications: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, trauma.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (TREC): Focuses on identifying and

– Changing irrational beliefs that generate dysfunctional behaviors.

Applications: Anxiety, depression, mood, relationship issues.

· Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Combines accepting what is

Thoughts and Feelings with Mindfulness Techniques,

Foundations of commitment to personal values.

Applications: Anxiety, depression, stress and chronic disorders.

Professional qualification:

· Ensure that the professional has academic training and is registered in

Official college of psychologists.

· A college-trained psychologist is not the same as a coach. They are

Different trainings and working methods, although a psychologist can also be

A coach, but a coach is not a psychologist.


· You can search for information about the psychiatrist you want to visit. In

Networks, in college psychologists ask friends or family about their networks.

Experience, although the same psychiatrist may sometimes be good

person, not well for another. Because? Because the connection that

It is agreed upon between the psychiatrist and the consultant, and is already part of the treatment. Yes, there is.

There is good feedback and confidence, and there will be more assurance that progress can be made,

Whereas if there is no spontaneous melody, it will be more difficult to generate the tone.

The confidence needed to be able to move forward in the treatment process or


· You somehow know what a professional is like through references.

Your relatives, other advisors, or other avenues you can explore.

Know his personal and professional temperament. And know if you fit

Your way of being

How should you feel during a session with a psychiatrist?

· Comfortable You should be emotionally comfortable. You don’t have to feel judged,

On the contrary, you should feel heard and respected at all times. You should:

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Building confidence

What should a psychiatrist do?

The psychologist/general assembly will at all times help you express what you are feeling,

Helping you find the path you want to follow and should follow yourself

Who should you be because a psychiatrist will not tell you what to do, but what to

He will accompany you until you decide what to do. Maybe this is one.

The difference between a psychologist and a coach is that unless a person brings him in

Both roles. The goal of psychology is human-centered,

While the goals of coaches generally revolve around:

Achieving goals.

· The relationship with the psychologist:

· The relationship that will be established with the professional during treatment or

Accompanying will determine trust and therefore desire for it.

To allow yourself to help and do what needs to be done in the process of becoming

The person who is everyone. Because the person who has to work in the end is him.

Advisor You can already see this fact a little bit on the first visit, in the comments.

The spontaneity that is established in the first session.

· Do I feel like I bought it?

· Do I feel welcome?

· Do I feel that I listened effectively?

· Feel like you could help me?

· Logistical and practical aspects:

· Although we are increasingly incorporating online sessions, it is essential that we are able to choose whether or not to do so.

You want to go to a specialist who offers both methods, face-to-face or online.

Line, or by location can not be selected, because of the distance, and then

You need to think about or make the first visit to see if you want to continue.

The chosen method, or combine them, or find a better option.

On the professional side, it will always be better to be able to meet him in person.

He consults in the sense that he is able to notice non-verbal language better, and

Get more information from the person you come to see, but it depends on the person you come to see.

Context It is also possible to do this not present, and work online. You need to make one

Study every person and every logistics.

Professional ethics:

It is important to know for sure that you can rely on the confidentiality of the information.

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Your affairs and personal life. That’s why the paper was signed.

Data protection, although the work of a psychologist is based on confidentiality

Professionals who can serve you from different contexts:

· With a white coat and a desk in between.

To the hospital office.

· in his home.

· at home.

· In a quiet public place.

· To school

To a civil center.

· To private consultation.

To social security.

With table

· NB.

· Handwriting.

· Typing on the computer.

· Without writing (they write it later).

As you can see, there are different ways to work from psychology, and all of them are

It is suitable if the person visiting the professional feels comfortable and healthy. Because

This is very personal. In other words, you may have been highly recommended by a specialist.

Simple and powerful, but you love it more sophisticated because it generates more for you.

Trust and vice versa. Let’s not forget that it’s also a relationship.

Characteristics of a good psychologist or psychiatrist:

· He obviously has the title of a psychologist. It seems impossible, but there are people

Working as a psychologist without going to university.

· Be registered with COPC (The Official College of Psychologists)

· To be honest and able to refer consultants or not accept new ones.

Consultation, if you initially (or during the process), for any reason, believe that

He’s not well, and he can’t help him.

· Don’t make him come if you don’t have to.

Judge never.

· Which makes the consultant feel comfortable.

· Do not promise immediate results and changes without any cost, because health

The mindset requires long and personal effort, which is not possible.

Avoid, be patient and think a lot.

Each session should last at least 45-60 minutes. You should ask

Know the price in advance, to avoid unpleasant surprises.

· He may refuse or stop accompanying the consultant if:

He sees that they are not communicating well, or for whatever reason does not extend the process if this happens.

You don’t have to, tell the truth at all times, and keep everything confidential.

Moment and according to the code of ethics.

· Be close but not intrusive, and don’t try to impress her.

Your personal beliefs to the advisor.

He always respects you.

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